Chapter One: No way back.

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Hey guys! It's me!! The lazy author has finally done something! Ok so if you guys didn't know yet my old account BlueBerry_13_ kicked me off and locked itself down so now I have no way of getting into it... but I will continue the story! And I'm not going to start where I left off, I'm going to completely rewrite this story! I'll keep the main details but I'm changing a few things. Like I want to make it slightly more realistic on how long it takes to fully love someone, so I want their relationship to develop a bit slower than just a few chapters, and I want to put in a few side plots. So if there is any confusion or you have suggestions don't be afraid to contact me! Also if you can't tell this chapter is going to be in the past not when Y/n is in high school. This is basically her past! Hope you enjoy and also I hope this clears things up!

Y/n your name

E/c eye color

H/c hair color

F/c favorite color

Yelling, darkness, fear. My parents were getting into another fight. "Why do we even try?! She won't even touch the food I made her!" My mother screeched. "It was your idea to adopt her! You wanted to give her a chance! Now your yelling at me?" My father yelled back. More yelling, just as it is every night. Do they think we can't hear them? I slightly turn my head to my siblings. They are awake too. My older brother is only a year older than me, his bright green eyes met mine and he gave me a look with such hatred and anger I flinched. My other brother who was younger than both of us was sitting up in his bed frightened with tears in his eyes. If I payed close attention I could hear his soft whimpers. I looked so different from my brothers. Them with brown hair like mothers and green eyes like father's. I looked rather odd. Is that why no one wants me anymore? This always happens. I get brought into a loving home then everything falls apart because of me. I'm tired of it. Don't they know I've been through a lot too? I'm sick and tired of being treated like I'm nothing more than a soulless monster! But I am... why wasn't I down there with my family. Why aren't I with them? Why did they leave me here? I stand, I'm leaving. I can't do this anymore. I walk to the door, if this is like every other night then I should be able to walk out without the parents noticing me. I open the door and walk out. But something isn't right. The sound of glass shattering was heard. "She's just a monster! She shouldn't even be here! I'm doing the world a favor!" My so called mother screamed. "Killing it isn't going to solve anything!" My dad yelled with hurt in his voice. 'It?' I thought. 'Kill it?'. "Am all I am to you is an it whose life you can screw up as you please?" I ask as I walk into the room they were in. "What is that thing!" My mom screeched in fear. "What do you not recognize me?" I ask. I look down at my hands and something is wrong. They are covered in scales. My nails grew and became sharp like daggers. I look behind me and I had wings larger than my small body itself. I had a tail too. I could see everything even though it was pitch black. When had the lights gone out? I was a monster. I smiled to myself as I could practically smell their fear. I head the sound of a phone being dialed and my father speaking up. "Yes hello, 911? Our daug— I mean there's a monster in our home trying to kill us!" My dad whispered. I could hear him though, loud and clear, like he was still yelling. "I'm not a monster!" I cried. "Look at yourself! Your a beast!" My mother cried back. "I said. IM. NOT. A. MONSTER." My voice dark, darker than its ever been. I was enraged, past the point of return. Images and memories of people, no HUMANS, ran though my mind. I am a human. Why can't they see that? I'm normal. "Don't make eye contact with it." "It's a monster" "GET AWAY!" Why... why can't they see I'm human too. I'm not a monster. A loud banging shook me out of my trance. I look down and my mothers throat is sliced. My father is missing his arms and it looks like some thing took a bite out of his stomach. Then it hit me. My hands are covered in blood and the iron like taste filled my mouth. But what was that sound? I sharp poking feeling happened on part of my body that I've never had before. My wings. I turn slightly to see the police shooting me. Why wasn't I dead. Another shot. It just bounced off my wing. One of the men lowered his gun. "It's just a kid." He whispered. "I can't kill a kid." "Then What else are we supposed to do? It just killed those people!" They were arguing between them self's. "Help... please I don't want to be a monster!" I cried. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean too!" I cried more. The man who lowered his gun first came up to me. Slowly as if he was scared. Once he reached me he knelt down to my level and placed his hand on my small shoulder. "What's your name sweetie?" He asked kindly. "Y/n, sir. I didn't mean to kill them. I don't know what happened." I cried out to the man. "It's fine sweetie, I know a place where they can help you. They'll make you normal." He said. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah just come with me....."

Little did I know, was that place he said would help me, was an insane asylum. For years they beat me, locked me up, did experiments on me, cut me open to test my limits, they electrocuted me, they tried to kill me. For years, I was forced to stay there and withstand their "treatments". I've been in this same room for weeks now. Those white walls making me go crazy. The only things I have in this room are myself who is currently stuck in a straight jacket and a mouth guard. So what? I bit someone's hand off? They had it coming. But the only other things I had was a worn down and uncomfortable cot, and a small mirror. It was only there to remind me that I'm not human. After I calmed down from that night, the scales went away. I thought so would everything else but I was wrong. When I look in the mirror I see my once happy and bright face is replaced with dull e/c eyes and messed up and dirty h/c hair. It was long and unkept due to them not letting me do anything to it for years. I had horns on top of my head and, well you can't see them because they are uncomfortably shoved under my straight jacket, but I have large black and F/c wings as well as a long slender cat like tail. But you can't forget the bags under my eyes. I haven't slept in a month now, at least I think. I've lost track of all sense of time, but I know it's been a while. Nightmares haunt my day and night. It's terrible. Over the years I've come to despise humans. I hate them. They ruined my life and they put me here. They are beings of hate and greed. I now classify myself as a monster, with a human soul that is. How is that possible? I have no clue. I've been stuck here without education for as long as I can remember so I still have the mind set of a really messed up five year old. Yep! I killed two people at age five! No one here likes me, it might be because of that. My door opened, and a small women walked in. She had brown hair and brown eyes, she was quite pretty as far as humans go. I roll around and get into an Indian style sitting position and look at her. It wasn't yet feeding time was it? And I didn't smell any food. "Miss Y/n?" She said with a shaky voice. I nod my head not being able to talk because of the mouth guard strapped to my face. "Ok then, sweetheart, umm, you see, I'm your new mom. And I'm taking you home." She said barely a whisper. I attempt to stand up but end up falling right back down. I hear her laugh. She's going to be just like everyone else isn't she? "Here let me help you." She says as she kneels down and unstraps my mouth guard and straight jacket. She gasps as I sit up and throw off the jacket and stretch out my wings. "What? You have a problem with me?" I ask her. "No! No! It's just that I was not informed you had wings, they are magnificent! And where did you learn to speak So fluently? I was told you would have the IQ of a five year old." She asks, her eyes found a new light. "You pick up a few things when all you can do all day is listen to others talk, and argue." I say with a slight laugh. I stand up and stretch some more. "Wow! I didn't notice till now but, your really tall!" She states and takes in all of my apparent glory. "Your not afraid?" I ask and look down at her. "Not at all! I'm a scientist that studies monsters! When I heard that there was a monster in captivity I had to do something! They probably didn't tell you but five years ago monsters escaped from the underground and have been welcomed into our society! They shouldn't have kept you here!" She said with determination in her voice. "So you've come here to take me away from this place?" I ask in disbelief. "Yes and not only that! I will teach you! I'll become your mom! And I'll try my best to be the best mother I can be!!" She said. "Well then what are we waiting for?" I ask. Well there's no going back now? Is there?

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