Chapter Five: Wonder Filled Eyes.

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I couldn't get what PaperJam said out of my mind. Someone was stalking his brother? And that someone had my eyes? I shook my head, still completely lost. Pallet never finished showing me where all the classes were. I sighed, everyone was already in class so I couldn't ask anyone. That was until I heard voices coming from down the hall. "Fresh, you really shouldn't have let him beat you up!" A happy sounding voice said. "Y-yeah, and y-you shouldn't h-have t-tried to c-come back to c-class." A more feminine and shy voice called out. "Guys I'm fine." Someone responded. As I turned the corner I didn't bother to move out of their way. They would most likely see me before they run into me. But I was wrong. One of them walked smack, face first into me.  He was about to fall but I caught him, and pulled him back up. "Uh, sorry." He almost stuttered. "Hey your that kid PaperJam was beating up." I said putting my face closer to his to get a better look at him. His eyes were strange but mesmerizing. "Y-yeah. I'm Fresh." He nervously said. I let him go and saw he was covered in bruises and bandaids from previous encounters I suppose. "I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you Fresh." I said still with a blank face.

"Oh, are you the one who helped Fresh?" A taller skeleton said, I recognized his voice as the happy one. I nodded. "Well thank you! I am the great Papyrus! And this is Napstablook and Alphys." He said cheerily. The small yellow dinosaur looking monster smiled. "Y-yeah I'm A-Alphys, t-thank you for h-helping Fresh." She smiled up at me. I nodded again. Well if she's Alphys then the small ghost must be Napstablook. "We really should get going now! We have to get Fresh to the nurse!" Papyrus explained. "Oh of course, by chance may I come with you? I don't know where my next class is." I asked as politely as I could. Most of their eyes lit up. "You mean you want to hangout with us?!" Papyrus exclaimed. "Uh, yes. I would love to hang out with you." I almost smiled. These guys are really nice. Papyrus let out a giddy giggle. "Ah! Sans will be so happy! I've made a new friend!" He continued to jump around like a little kid. "We should invite her to our sleepover this weekend!" He continued his childish antics. "A-are you sure? W-we d-don't know her that well." Alphys stuttered out.

"Guys, your forgetting about fresh." A soft voice said. I assumed it was Napstablook. Papyrus immediately got back on track. "Yes come on!" He said marching ahead of us full of determination (pun intended). Fresh laughed quietly as his friends continued down the empty hallway. "Can you walk?" I ask looking down at him. "Yeah I'm fine." He tries to convince me, but the moment he takes another step he falls. "I'm not so sure about that." I say as a weird sound came from my chest. Fresh looked startled but then smiled at me. "Was that a laugh?" He chuckled. "I honestly have no idea." I confessed. I helped fresh up then put him over my shoulder. He grunted slightly, at first he tried to struggle but after a few steps he accepted his fate and slumped down. We followed not too far behind his friends which were currently chatting about the 'slumber party' or something. "So, where you from?" Fresh asked trying to start some small talk. "I don't remember where I was born, my birth parents abandoned me, and I was raised in foster homes across the country then sent into an insane asylum up until yesterday, because I'm a monster." I explained. "You were in an asylum?" He asked unconvinced. "Yup." I stayed in reply.

The few in front of us turned down a hall and opened the door labeled 'nurses office', we of course followed in pursuit. The nurse was very tall and covered in elegant white fur. She sat up from her desk and sighed when she saw us. "You got beat up again fresh?" She asked, her voice was soft and kind, very motherly. Or at least what I think a mother should sound like. I sat fresh down on one of the cots sitting near by. The nurse got to work immediately, cleaning off the wounds and covering them. "Be more careful next time ok fresh?" She said in a worried tone of voice, the tall lady stood back up and turned to me. "Your new here aren't you?" She asked me with a warm smile. "Yes, I am Y/n L/n" I respond to the woman. "I'm Mrs. Toriel Dreamurr. It's a pleasure to meet you Y/n, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask!" She told me with a kind smile planted on her face. "Uh, yes, I am quite lost, my guide left me and I don't know where Mr. Dream's astronomy class is." I told her bluntly. "Oh? You have astronomy next? So do I!! I can take you there!" Papyrus cheered. I nodded a thanks to the tall Skeleton.

"Here are your passes, now get back to class You four! You too Y/n!" She said with a seemingly joking sternness. I nodded and took the slip of paper from her hands. Papyrus smiled at me, we were close to the same height. Me being a bit taller due to my horns. "So Y/n, what kind of stuff do you like to do?" He asked politely. "I don't know, maybe you could show me what fun things normal people do." I simply replied. Papyrus' face lit up like fireworks on the Fourth of July. The Fourth of July was one of the only days I was let near a window. "I can show you all the fun things me and the others do!!" He cheered. "Oh, this is it." He stated simply.

Papyrus opened the door for me and we walked in. The teacher much like the last one, was a skeleton. I sweat dropped, why are there so many damned skeletons here? The teacher smiled towards us. "Papyrus your late." He said through closed teeth. "Uh, we have passes sir." I spoke up, his attention immediately shot towards me. "Oh! You must be the new student!! I'm Mr. Dream, it's so good to meet you!" He cheered and rapidly shook my hand. Something about him reminds me strangely of pallet. "You May sit next to Papyrus since you seem to already know him! Well deal with introductions later since it's already the middle of class!" He said happily, I turned around and followed Papyrus and sat down next to him. Papyrus was still beaming, much like our teacher. To my surprise I got a window seat, I smiled lightly to myself as I gazed out the window. It wasn't a very pretty day, Grey clouds filled the skies and the sun was no where to be seen, but it's still outside. Something that I was neglected of as a child.

After a few minutes of zoning out, I feel a pair of eyes burning into my back. I swiftly turned around to be met with another black boned skeleton. The only difference between him and PaperJam is the set of bright pink locks placed in his skull. He had a baby blue sweat band thing around his head and he was wearing a varsity like jacket, much like PaperJam. He had one eye showing, it was a vibrant green, mesmerizing, enchanting, emerald green. But instead of having white like most people, the white parts of the eye were pink, much like his hair. His gaze did not seem angry or dangerous, more filled of wonder and curiosity. Suddenly, after realizing I caught him staring, his wonder filled eyes quickly turned into that of embarrassment. He seemed to blush and fumble with his books before looking down, as in shame.

Thinking about it, he did somewhat look like PaperJam. "Um, do you happen to be PaperJam's little brother?" I whispered to him. His head shot up. He seemed surprised that I asked him that. "Yeah I am, I'm cil..." he grumbled out. "It seems like you don't like your brother." I pried a little. He sighed and hung his head down low again. "No I don't hate him, it's just that I'm always in his shadow, I'm not Cil, I'm PJ's little brother." He sighed out, not making eye contact. "I'm sorry if I offended you Cil, but I had an encounter with your brother earlier and he mentioned you." I explained. He sighed again. "You only know of me because of my brother." "Well if you like, we could be friends." I said attempting to smile. He looked at me then stifled a laugh. "Y-you really n-need t-to work on your smiles!" He laughed, holding his boney hand up to his mouth. "But yeah, I would like that." He smiled at me. I gave him a pat on the head then turned around. I could hear Papyrus snickering from beside me. "What?" I asked in confusion. "I think someone has a crush!" He said trying to keep a straight face. "Who?" I asked and tilted my head to the side. "It's nothing forget about it." Papyrus stated, turning his attention back to Mr. Dream. That statement confused me, but at least I made some friends.

1605 words guys, hope you stay and read the next chapter!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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