Chapter Three: The Moving Death Machine

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Darkness... it is always so dark. Empty, it's all I know. I here the screams of the others trapped in that asylum, but I'm trapped. I scream, cry, yell. But no one came. I see the faces of humans, they point and laugh, scream in fear, "Monster!" They cry out. I turn to run but I am faced with the faces of monsters. I smile and run towards them but something stops me, the darkness is pulling me back, I scream for the monsters to help, to save me, but they just turn away, not looking back and they too are consumed by the dark, I am once again alone.

I was jolted awake by an unknown force. I shot up and to my surprise my arms were free and I could breathe freely, my e/c eyes adjusted to the light and I found myself in a room, that had color in it. I shot out of the bed I was in and into a fighting position to attack my kidnapper. My head shot around the room to find a small human, she had brown hair and brown eyes... then the events of yesterday came back and I slightly relaxed. "Oh... it's just you." I say as I stretch. "Yes it's just me. But you best be getting ready! I've made you some breakfast and you have school in an hour!" My new 'mom' said in a sing song voice. "School?" I asked. "Yep! I've made sure to inform the school of your situation and you'll get extra help ok? You'll be fine!" She smiled and walked out of the room.

I looked around the room to find the dresser that supposedly had my clothes in it, once I found it I grabbed what ever seem to fit, what it was, was a simple f/c sweater and some ripped blue jeans. I smiled to myself as the sweater had a back with precut holes, I assumed that the holes were for decorative properties but they came to good use with my wings. I pulled on the clothes I had collected then proceeded to make my way (down town) to the kitchen. The smell of something amazing hit me. "Heh, it seems you do like bacon. I'm glad, but shut your mouth you'll catch flies." My mom smiled at me. I closed my mouth and sat down at the bar watching her fix my plate. She sat it down in front of me, "Thank you." I smile slightly at her. "No problem dear! Now I've already packed your bag but I have to explain some stuff to you, I've already gotten your notebooks and I've labeled them with what class they are for and they have your name, and this-" she says handing me a rectangular object. "Is your phone, be careful with it ok? Don't break it, I've already put my number in it ok? If you need anything call! But you need to eat ok? The bus will be here soon!" She says, once again seeming to be too happy to exist. "Ok." I say.

As we get to the end of the freakishly long driveway I see the large iconic yellow bus pull up to us. It slows to a stop then the doors swing open and the voices of the others on the bus flow out. "Go ahead sweetie! I know everyone will love you!" Mom says happily, I gave her a small nod and hesitantly stepped on to the moving death machine. I slightly smiled to myself as the bus was made so taller people could move freely. I spot a seat in the back that was relatively empty so I took the opportunity and sit down. For at least ten minuets I believe? It was quiet, that was until a skeleton, what is up with this place and so many skeletons?, popped up in the seat behind me. "HIYA!" The skeleton yelled. My hands shot up to cover my ears as I turned and growled at the, boy?, do skeletons have genders? The skeleton paused for a moment then spoke again, this time in a whisper. "Oooh, you have sensitive ears.... sorry! But I'm Palette! Your new here aren't you?" The skeleton smiled brightly. I nodded not saying a word. The skeleton stared at me until the bus jolted to a stop. "WE'RE HERE!" The bus driver yelled and the students started to attack each other to get off. Once the chaos has died down I stood up and made my way forward and out of the moving death machine. I stepped out and I saw a huge building before me and all the students in front of it, waiting it seems. A bony finger poked me in the side so I turned and found Palette. "I never got your name." He smiled once more. I had a feeling he was always happy. "Y/n" I simply stated. His smiled widened. "Welp! As captain of the cheer squad, I will personally escort you around today!" He cheerily said with a small bow. "If you have any questions, feel free to ask." He smiled and waited a second for me to ask something. "Why are there so many skeletons here? How do you move? Do you have a gender?" I asked all at once curiosity filling my mind. Palette's demeanor dropped and he looked confused and disappointed at the same time. "Well I don't know the first one, the second one well, that one is just rhetorical, I move by magic, all monsters have it. It's how we move since we don't have muscles. And the third one, yes. We have genders... I'm a boy... isn't it obvious?" He asked with a pained smile. I shook my head. "I'm only familiar with human standards, sorry. This is only my second day out of the asylum in many years." I tell him. He looked shocked. "So the rumors are true! Your one of the only monsters that wasn't sent underground!!! So you were kept in an asylum! Wow!" He beamed at me. It was my turn to look confused.

Sorry for not updating!! I've been sick and I got really far behind on school work.... sorry.

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