Chapter Four: The stalker.

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Omg does anyone still read this?

I tilted my head slightly, looking down at the short skeleton. "Why would that be considered cool?" I questioned him. He just shook his head frantically. "Oh sorry, just forget I said anything! Anyways, have you gotten your schedule yet?" He asked, the little sparkle in his eyes returning again. I shook my head no, still a little confused about everything that has happened today. "Right then! Lets go to the office to get your schedual, then I can show you around!" the boy cheered out.

The skeleton lead me to the 'office' where he preceded to talk to a small white thing. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but it seems easily excitable. After a few minutes Pallet turned around again proudly holding a few pieces of paper. I tilted my head in confusion. "Come on!! You have art first!!" He yelled out causing several unknown monsters to give us weird looks. I let out a sigh and followed him.

He dragged me down a hallway and to a white door. He pushed open the white door and gestured for me to walk in. I did as 'told' and walked into the classroom. Students sat in their seats and a skeleton covered in paint was in the front showing them something. The ink covered skeleton saw us and jumped up. "Class, this is our new student! Do you want to introduce yourself?" He asked me, a smile clearly evident on his face. I nodded a simple 'yes' and walked to the front of the classroom and stood by him. "My name is Y/n" I told the class. All their eyes widened. "What is your last name Miss Y/n?" The teacher asked. I looked at him confused, I never asked my new mom what my last name is. "Ah, it's L/n Mr. Ink! It says it on her schedule!" Pallet called out from behind me. I turned around and looked at the paper. It took me a moment to read it because I was in the asylum for so long.

-Y/n L/n-
Period 1- Art -Mr. Ink
Period 2- Astrology- Mr. Dream
Period 3- History- Mr. Nightmare
Period 4- Lunch
Period 5- P.E.- Coach Error
Period 6- Drama- Mr. Mettaton
Period 7- Free -
End School-

I looked from the paper back up to the class. "My name is Y/n L/n." I almost repeated myself. 'Mr. Ink' smiled at me. "You May take a seat next to PaperJam, PaperJam please raise your hand." Mr. Ink called out. Almost hesitantly a black boned skeleton in the back of the class rose his hand. As Mr. Ink said, there was an empty seat next to him. As I got closer I noticed he was the one in front of the house yesterday. I sat down and adjusted my bag. Mr. Ink smiled at us and then proceeded to continue whatever it is that he was teaching. "Hello" I said to PaperJam. "I- uh, hey-" he responded with a shaky voice. "Your name is PaperJam?" I asked out of curiosity and he nodded in reply, never making eye contact with me. I continued to stare at him until I heard a bell ring, all the students were basically trampling each other to get out. I sighed and grabbed my bag and schedule. PaperJam still just sat there, staring straight forward. "PaperJam, are you ok?" I asked him. That seemed to snap him out of his trance. "Uh, yes I am. I have to go!" He almost yelled as he sprinted out of the classroom, leaving a, a math book? Well he left a math book behind. I picked it up and decided to try and make a friend. Bringing him his book would be a simple way to strike up a conversation.

I looked down at my schedule as I walked down the hall. Not knowing where I was going and not looking. I didn't need to look, I could hear where everyone was, and where they would go. Being trapped in a room of nothing but white for years makes you learn some things. Meaningless conversations going on between people I had no interest in. I honestly tried to block out the deafening chatter but nothing worked, it only annoyed me more. That was until I heard something more interesting. "Just give it to us!" I heard someone call out in a rude tone of voice. The same tone the doctors used to use on me. One that basically screamed 'I'm in charge here!'. I decided to check out what was going on. As I turned the corner and looked up from my paper I saw the same skeleton from art. The one that forgot his book, PaperJam! But he had another skeleton pushed up against a locker and was growling at him. At blue lady with red hair and some sort of smelly furry accompanied him. "Yeah! Just give us your money and we will leave you alone!" The smelly furry taunted. I didn't know know what was going on but I didn't like it. "Hey! Leave him alone." I called out to them, baring my fangs. "Who do you think you are telling us what to do?" The blue lady called out to me. "My name is Y/n and I'm telling you to stop." I growled. The furry scoffed, "you don't want to mess with us, right PJ?" He said snuggly waiting for a reply from PaperJam. But he didn't respond, he only stared at me. He let the boy go, "you guys leave, I have some business with her." He stated. All three of them looked utterly confused, the skeleton that was being beat up didn't miss his chance to run away. Paperjam's buddies just looked at him confused. "Go!" He yelled at them, clearly angered, both of them scampered away, leaving me and him in the empty hallway. "What are you?" He asked disgustedly. "And why did are you stalking my brother?" He asked enraged. "I did no such thing." I responded confused. "Yes you did, no one else would! I saw you outside my brother's window! You've been doing it for weeks! What were you doing you creep?!" He yelled at me. "First of all, I don't know who you or your brother is, I have no clue where you live, nor do I have any intention to know. And second of all, I just got out of the asylum yesterday, there is no possible way I could have been stalking your brother for weeks. I've only been outside since yesterday." I stated very bluntly. He hesitated a bit. "Prove it!" He growled at me. I thought for a moment then pulled my hair back a bit, revealing he bruises on my jaw line, from the mouth guard and then I pulled up my sleeves to reveal my malnourished and scarred arms. He was shocked to say the least. "Then who was it? I saw your eyes! No one else has e/c eyes with rings of gold around them!!" He asked worriedly. "Well it wasn't me, oh and here." I say handing him his math book. "You forgot this in art." I say walking off. Even though I had no clue who paperjam's brother was, I couldn't help but feel worried.

I swear we will get to see Cil soon!!! I promise! 1224 words!

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