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Y/N woke up without nightmares for once. She yawned and rubbed her eyes before stretching, in an unfamiliar room. She looked around as she sat up a white thick blanket surrounded her frame. In front of her seemed to be a living area. 'Am I in a hotel? But Justin took me to his house right?'  She could smell and feel the ocean breeze from the windows that surrounded her room.

Getting out out the comfortable bed her bare feet hit the cold wooden floor before walking to the door. Her fingers grasped the golden door knob not sure if she's prepared to see what's beyond the white wooden door. Sighing and slightly rolling her eyes at herself she finally opened the door to a hallway. Most of the walls were glass, but she didn't pay much attention to it as she found some stairs.

Once down the stairs she could smell the familiar smell of bacon and eggs. When Y/N would spend the night with Justin he would fix her bacon and eggs before she got up with either a can of soda or water. She followed the smell through the dining room where she could see a large pool outside with a view of the ocean. At this point she could hear the sizzling sound of bacon being cooked. 

Y/N turned to her right going into the large modern kitchen, seeing Justin with his back turned to her. He was humming a tune she never really knew, but he would sing all of the time. Justin was an exceptionally great singer. When she was upset he would hold her in his arms and sing stupid little jingles to make her laugh. 

She walked up to him and poked his back making him jump slightly. "Y/N! You're up! Did you sleep alright?" He asked turning to her with a grin placed on his perfectly shaped lips. Y/N just simply nodded before turning her gaze to the frying pan that had a mountain of bacon, and another pan filled with eggs. "You cooked? I'm sorry I put you through so much trouble, and you're still taking care of me." She looked down avoiding the surprised gaze of her ex-lover. 

"No! I love taking care of you. You're still my little N/N. I should be apologizing.If I hadn't let my father ruin our relationship you wouldn't have gone through any of that mess." He started cooking again to make sure that the food wouldn't be burnt as well as to avoid her gaze. 

"Justin, If I hadn't left he would have disowned you! He would've made sure you wouldn't be able to get a job-" Before she could say anymore she was cut off. "If it meant I could protect you and be with you I should've taken it. You still mean the world to me Y/N. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you again. Could you get the plates for me?" He said trying to distract both of them. She nodded before he told her where the plates were. 

Y/N then set the plates down on the stove before walking over to the fridge. She grabbed blackberry jam and two waters. Her eyes scanned over the kitchen before finding the bread. Justin watched with a small smile as she took the bread out and put them in the toaster. When they were together if Y/N woke up while he was cooking she would make the toast, and get blankets in the living room so they could watch movies all day.

Justin put bacon and eggs on each plate yet still making room for the toast as Y/N spread the jam on  the toast. After the plates were ready they walked into the large living room. Justin told Y/N to sit down while he get's the blankets as he put his plate on the glass coffee table. He walked over to a small white wooden door that Y/N assumed was a supply closet. He grabbed a large brown fluffy blanket before walking over to the H/C girl. 

"Do you remember when my dad kicked me out and we spent the whole week at your house when you're parents were out on business?" Justin asked as the two got settled in. "Yeah! We started a bon-fire at 2 am, and fell asleep outside. Then in the morning it started raining and we  got soaked to the bone. I miss that." Y/N smiled at him as they chose a movie to watch. "I want to be able to get that close again. And I really hope that you'll let me keep protecting you Y/N." Justin smiled at her wondering how he could have ever let her get away. 

"Of course, Justin." The two slowly leaned in until a knock interrupted them.

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