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Y/N's eyes fluttered open. All she could see were trees, a dirt road, and fog that showed in the moonlight. It felt as if her head were being beaten with a tire iron over and over again. Her stomach swirled and spined giving her a sense of nausea. She looked to her left to see a face she had dreaded to see. His clear blue eyes focused on the gravel road in front of him. The black hair on top his head fell slightly in his eyes, as it looked slightly longer and shaggier. 

She went to move her hands only to realize a cold metal encased them. The jingle brought Lucius's attention to her. He smirked slightly at her shocked expression. "So you're finally awake, love." His voice sounded slightly tired, but excited nonetheless. Y/N's heart pounded in her chest. It was a mixture of fear and something else she had only slightly recognized. She hated how he could make her so weak, and how he could make her heart flutter with the simplest things. "W-where are we going?" She asked trying desperately to sound more confident than she actually was, but failing miserably. "Home." Lucius simply stated. 

After that it was silent. Y/N looked around for any means of escape making the male smirk more if that was even possible. "You can't leave me, my love. I've made sure of it." His voice mocked her. Her hope started to slightly shatter. Y/N couldn't help but to think of Justin, and how she may never see him again. She refused to allow the tears in her eyes cascade down her face. She couldn't give him that satisfaction. 

Y/N turned her head to look out of the window. She couldn't see much but shadows of trees, and stars peeking out from behind the darkness unaware of the danger she's been pushed in. The only sound that reached Y/N's ears were the gravel crunching under the weight of Lucius's truck, and the faint sound of crickets chirping in the distance. If not for the situation she was currently stuck in she would've found the drive quite relaxing. 

Y/N stared at the stars for what seemed like an eternity before the truck finally stopped. The h/c girl's gaze shifted to the front of the truck seeing an old white rusted gate with vines crawling up the sides, the gate connected to a white picket fence that had some pieces missing. Lucius opened the driver's door and got out of the truck, but not before sending a warning glare at the girl that dared her to try and escape.

His tall figure marched over towards the gate unlocking it with a loud creak. The gate sounded as if it was screeching in pain indicating how old, and neglected it was. Lucius then walked back to the truck the gravel crunching under the weight of his boots before getting back into the driver's seat, and shutting the door. He looked over to Y/N seeing her eyes downcasted to the restraints on her wrist. She seemed to be lost in thought as her eyes were slightly glazed over. Lucius sighed before gradually stepping on the gas pedal. 

After about 10 more minutes the trucked stopped in front of a stone path that led to a stone an old oak porch. The porch was connected to a rundown three-story stone cottage, flowers surrounded the house as ivy crept up the house. Fireflies danced around the house and weaved through the trees of the forest giving a slightly magical feel. Y/N hated to admit it, but the location was simply beautiful.

The door slamming on Lucius's side dragged the girl back into the dredded reality

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The door slamming on Lucius's side dragged the girl back into the dredded reality. She noticed the truck was now turned off as he made his way to her side from going in front of the vehicle. Once he had opened her door he placed his right hand under her knees that were still wrapped in the thick blanket, and his left hand on her back to support her. After he lifted the girl up with the metal chains clinking together he shut the door with his back. 

Lucius walked up the stone path his boots clicking against it. Once he made his way onto the porch he set Y/N down, but still keeping a hand on her waist as he unlocked the wooden door leading inside the home. He once again picked her up walking inside before shutting the door. He walked past the living room which had a fireplace, a white couch with a brown blanket thrown on top and a brown chair. She also noticed the brown wooden walls, but that's all she managed to view as he didn't give her time to observe her surroundings.

He walked into a dark room at the end of the house that looked like it was used for storage. There were storage shelves lined up to look like a maze that held cans of food among other things. Lucius walked behind a few of the large shelves before stopping at a metal door built into the concrete flooring. He once again put Y/N down, but pushing her between him and the cold wall so she couldn't escape as he grasped the handle of the door with two hands heaving it upwards. She could tell that he struggled slightly, which meant it would be almost impossible for her to open the dreadful door.

Lucius grabbed Y/N by the chains on her wrists and walked down the steep concrete stairs with her behind him. She tripped over the white blanket that was wrapped around her ankles making her fall against his firm back. Lucius looked behind him with concern washed over his face, but that quickly turned into a smirk once he realised what happened. He let the girl use him to get her balance back before starting to walk down the stairs again. 

At the end of the stairs there was a small hallway that led to a bulky metal door with six different types of locks on it. Lucius unlock each one and opened the door to a small room. Once they walked in the dark room he switched on a light switch . A light hanging down from the ceiling showed a wooden table with four bench-like chairs beside that there was a twin bed with black blankets and a cabinet for storage above it. On the wooden table there were orange tulips. On the other side of the room there was an opening for the bathroom and a wardrobe beside it.

Y/n noticed anything glass was made from plastic so she wouldn't be able to hurt herself or Lucius

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Y/n noticed anything glass was made from plastic so she wouldn't be able to hurt herself or Lucius. Lucius led Y/N to the bed before taking off her restraints and going to the closet. He pulled out a grey t-shirt and matching shorts and purple socks. He shoved the clothes into her arms before turning his back to her. "Change." His deep voice echoed through the small room sending shills to run up and down her spine. She turned her back to him just in case he were to take a peak before changing into the clothes. "I-I'm done changing..." Y/N stuttered as he turned around. 

"You know I love you Y/N. I don't want to keep you down here, but if you're be good I'll let you upstairs with me, and we can begin our life together. Our life without anyone taking you away from me." Lucius smiled as his eyes glazed over he looked as if he was ready to kill, and he probably was. Though this doesn't last long before he says his last statement as if nothing ever happened. "I'll bring you breakfast in the morning. Sleep well, my love." He gently kissed the girl's forehead before leaving.

Y/N could hear all of the locks on the door trapping her in her new prison. She layed on her back her body sinking into the bed that was semi-comfortable as she stared at the cabinet above her bed. She didn't dare to turn off the light in fear of something worse than Lucius finding her. 

Y/N wondered if she would ever be able to live a normal life as her vision faded into darkness.

A/N- I'm really sorry for the bad chapter, I'll try and make the next one better. Also I've had a few people ask me if making fanart for my stories are okay, and of course it is. If any of you want to make any I'll even put it in here and credit you. Anyway I appreciate all of the support you guys have given me, and if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm here. Alright, sorry for rambling, have a great day/night!

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