Chapter 16

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Ok everyone! Last chapter! Hope you all enjoy!

Let's end this with a Tobias's POV

"Ok so for the final round we are going to have a prank war." Lynn says. She is about to say something else, but Zeke stops her.

"What does that have to do with whose the better couple?" He asks.

"Why does it matter?" She retorts back.

"well this is a competition to find out who is the better couple. Pranking has nothing to do with that." he says

"Why? Scared we are going to beat you?" I ask while smirking.

"Psh. No."

"Great! Then there shouldn't be a problem." I say. Everytime Zeke and I are in a prank war, which is quite often. I always end up winning and he ends up completly embaressed or even in the hospital. Yes that has happened before.

"I still don't see-"

"Zeke! Shut up! I am the judge so I get to make up the rounds!" Lynn exclaims,"If you have a problem with that we can just save everyone some time and claim Four and Tris as the best couple."

"Zeke Pedrad. You better not say a word." Shauna warns.

"Ok, ok just one more question." He says

"Zeke. Did you not just hear anything your girfriend said? You better listen to her or else. Well.. I would hate to be you buddy. Just don't ask anything else" I say

"I know I know. Just one question. Why do you want us to have a prank war so bad?" He asks.

"Really Zeke? It's one thing to not listen to your own girlfriend, but me? You don't listen to your own bestfriend?" I huff out.

"Oh so what you are saying is that what your bestfriend says is more important than what your own girlfriend says?" Shauna exclaims.

I laugh as if it is the most obvious thing in the world,"Of course it is!" Tris turns to me with her eyebrows raised.

"I- I mean. Whattttt??? That is not what I was saying at all. I don't know what world you are in, but that is not what I said." I cover up.

"Uh-huh yeah." Tris says sarcastically,"You know. I think that whatever advice Christina gives me is far more important than anyone, even my own boyfriend can give me." She says acting like I'm not there.

"Tris. You know that you are way smarter than Zeke is. I was just talking about Zeke's case." I hope it was some what believable. I am obviously lying I just hope that she can't tell.

"Oh so what you are saying is that you are smarter than me and Zeke should listen to you over me!?" Shauna asks or more like exclaims.

I shrug,"Yeah pretty much. I mean I think that your bestfriend would know a little more than your girlfriend." Tris turns to me and raises her eyebrows.

"Oh really now? I'm pretty sure your girlfriend would know what is best for you. Not your bestfriend." Tris says.

"Ohhh I did it again. You see I was just saying that-"

"That Zeke is a better influence. Last time I checked Zeke is the one you got drunk with and ended up in your underware in the middle of the compound. I'm the one who told you not to drink, but no Zeke knows better than me." She says sarcastically. Next thing I know the room is filled with the three of our voices while everyone watches with amused faces.

"SHUT UP!!!!!" Zeke shouts. We all stop and look at him,"I just want Lynn to answer my question."

Lynn facepalms,"I think it's funny to watch people have prank wars. Ok now everyone just shut up so we can finish this game."

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