Chapter Two- Trip Time

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*Brads P.O.V*

YES! I kissed her! wow. Our mouths move perfectly together, I never wanted to let go, she teased me, licking my lips but never getting further in. I can't handle this, I want to kiss and hold her and never let go, I let her tease my lips but after a while she got the better of me and I broke away for breath and leaned back in, our lips joining one more time. I didn't let her tease me, I nibbled her lips making her mouth open and letting me in, this is amazing. I wrapped my hands around her waist; I never want this to end. Our kisses became more passionate until I heard a sound near to me. Oh My God. I broke away and realised I was still outside Ari's house. They were watching us from the window. How embarrassing. I looked up and gave them the finger, grinning, before pulling Catie back in for another kiss and walking her home.

~The Next Morning, In the Car to the airport~

"So Brad," grinned James, "You had a bit of fun last night huh? What about you Catie? Did you have fun last night?"

I saw Cat go a light shade of pink in embarrassment and all the memories came flooding back, Ari was nudging Catie with a cheeky grin on her face while I turned to Tristan and Laura, they looked as if they were about to kiss, oh well! I should film this...... They saw me kiss Catie.

We got out the car 5 minutes later only to be mobbed by fans, I grabbed Catie towards me, wanting to kiss her, I will hold off , wait until we get inside.... We walk past our screaming fans and I pulled Catie to where I thought nobody could see us.

"Last night was amazing Cat," I said leaning in to kiss her

There was an outburst of screaming outside, what is going on?? And then once again I realised I had been completely stupid with my displays of affection towards Catie, some fans had seen and were going crazy. Actually no, scratch that, crazy is an understatement.

"So I guess we aren't much of a secret," blushed Catie, "We didn't manage that for very long at all huh?"

"I don't care Cat, I want everyone to know, they deserve to know," I smiled planting a small kiss on her forehead, earning even more screams and gasps from the crowd of fans outside.

Going through security took ages, by the time all 7 of us were through security we didn't have time to do anything except go straight to the boarding gate and have a quick toilet break.

*Catie's P.O.V*

I couldn't wait to get to LA on tour with the boys, but I also couldn't wait to spend some time with Brad, I really like him, I want to spend as much time with him as possible, I hope he will ask me to be his girlfriend, it looks like we are already......I hope....

We got onto the plane and I sat straight down next to Brad, I lifted the arm rest up and nestled my head into his shoulder, his T-shirt was soft and comfortable against my cheek and after the plane take-off I fell asleep.

*Brad's P.O.V.*

After Catie fell asleep on my arm and I started relaxing and getting comfortable when Ari got up and came over to me with a Sharpie pen and whispered in my ear,

"Help me prank Cat! I really want too! Please braddderrz!" I asked what the prank was, "Take this sharpie pen and write or draw something on her face, it will be so funny!" she giggled before rushing back to her seat under the Stewardess' order to sit and put her seatbelt on.

It took me a minute to decide what to write, I went with 'Kiss me Brad!' and a love heart. I think this will be fun..... I get to kiss her some more!

Ugh oh..... she is waking up......

"Brad?" she said rubbing her eyes, "what happened?"

I leant forward and kissed her before I replied, "I'm only following your orders darling, you fell asleep, and we still have a while to go on the plane."

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