Chapter Five- Missing Piece

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*Brad's P.O.V*

I slept in James' room last night and I refused to eat breakfast with everyone else, room service brought up what I had yesterday so I think one of the boys ordered it for me. I feel like my heart was smashed into tiny pieces and I can't find that one missing piece that will make it whole again.

"Ok, time to get of your sorry butt and get dressed Brad," said James as he walked in the door.

"Leave me alone James, I can't go back into that room to get my clothes, I can't look at her."

"Well, you both obviously feel the same way since she didn't come down for breakfast either, why don't go talk to her?" James replied sitting down next to me on the sofa.

"I don't want to talk to her, it isn't just that stupid prank she pulled," I said, it's the fact that if she think it's ok to joke about cheating, would she ever think it's ok to let some other boy kiss her,I thought to myself.

"Well, good thing I went and got some clothes for you AND spoke to Catie, want to know what she said?" James asked, looking at me with a worried expression.

"Yes but I know it will hurt me more.....just say it if you think it might make things better but don't if you think it will hurt me more," I replied, waiting for my heart to be crushed once more

"She is upset, she regrets what happened and she thinks you hate her, she is as heart broken as you are, she kept saying that if she could go and turn back time then she would do anything to do it, and she said to tell you that and also that she wishes you will forgive her and if you want to, go talk to her" James said, I was right, my heart was crushed, I wanted to go to our room and pretend nothing happened and that it would all be ok, I got to my feet put James pulled me back down,

"Where are you going? To talk to Cat? Do it later, the performance was pushed up to today, get ready and we have to go in half an hour, Cat is coming too so don't make things awkward, ok?"


*Catie's P.O.V*

James is making me go to this stupid live show, I don't want to go but I need to support everyone, they worked so hard. I was waiting in the lobby, everyone was here except Brad, He walked out the elevator and his eyes breifly met mine and my heart leaped, but then he looked at James

" Happy now? I'm here. Let's just get this over with." He said grumpily.

It took about an hour of awkward silence and small talk in the car to get to the set for the Kelly and Michael Show, and it took me about 10 seconds to get out the car, find the bathroom and lock myself in a cubicle, why did I let James convince me to come? I can't look at him without wanting to cry or kiss him or apologise or do something to make him not hate me. Ari walked into the bathroom, ugh oh.

"Catie? Where r u?" She asked, "Brad looked as if he was about to cry when you ran off, I think he is just as heart broken as you, yes I did hear you bawling your eyes out last night, go talk to him ok?"

"I want to.... but he hates me, doesnt he? I'm a horrible person for hurting him like that!"

"He doesnt hate you Catie, he is upset, just promise me you will talk to him?"

I opened up the door and huffed, "Fine, I will go now" I walked out the bathroom and looked for the boys.

I went into the studio but all i saw where people setting up to start the live show and let the audience in, I wondered into a corridor where I heard shouting.

"Just go and talk to her! Your being such an idiot!"

"Stop being a coward and let her talk to you!"

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