Chapter Seven- Surprise......not

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*Catie's P.O.V*

The flight was very very (yes,I will repeat it: Very!) boring...... Brad fell asleep, my poor darling has been having trouble sleeping recently, I think its the stress of trying to get Wild heart to be really popular and sell well, James and Brad are worry about it a bit whereas Con and Tris are just excited to publish it ahaha I love the boys! I was sitting on the inside seat on the flight so I didn't have anybody to talk to for the duration of the plane ride, Yes I know, Only boring people get bored blah blah but that was just beyond boring, 11 hours sitting without anyone to talk to, ugh! We are all collecting our bags and Brad is still really groggy and Tris has been on the phone since we got off the plane, Laura looks a bit annoyed....

"Hey Laura, are you ok?" I asked hugging her

"Yeah, fine I guess, its just that when we were fighting in LA I broke up with Tris and when we were talking on the plane Tris realized that we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend and has been distant since then, now he is on the phone talking to someone, ugh!" Laura said, looking a bit frustrated. I gave her a hug and we walked into the taxi/pickup area of the airport. Brad, James, Connor and Ari all followed and we all waited for Tristan who was ambling slowly behind us still on the phone, I glared at him until he noticed us all waiting said his goodbyes and hung up. I walked over to him,

"What do you think your doing? Ignoring us all and talking on the phone constantly," I hissed in his ear, he just looked up at me, rolled his eyes and walked towards the boys, What the hell! Tris is never this rude! I strode over to Brad who gave Tris a look and wrapped his arm around my waist. Laura still looked pissed off, Tris was now texting rapidly. So. Rude. We walked to the taxi who came to pick us up, the driver was holding a sign that said: The Vamps and their girlfriends! (I thought this was a bit weird but kind of funny too) There was a huge crowd of screaming fans so we had to battle our way through the fans, the boys stopped every so often for pictures, I just pushed my way to the taxi and hopped in. Laura sat next to me and Brad was on the other side of me, I held his hand the whole way back. I got back home and everyone went straight to Brad's house, all of our parents were at work so we decided to sit on the couch and lounge around being lazy, except for Tris who was you know.... still texting..... suddenly Laura lost it.

"Tristan! Put your fricking phone down, you have done nothing except call and text people since we got to the UK, just talk to us! Stop being so rude!" She shouted and Tris jumped back looking at her,

"You have no idea what I'm doing its very important that I arrange this Laura!"

"What? What could be soo important that you ignore all of your best friends! Please enlighten us all!" Laura replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm

"Well, If you must know, I was planning a Date for you and me, I was texting Joe and Dean to arrange it all and now you have ruined it, all that work for nothing, well done I hope your happy," Tristan replied going red, he stormed off into the kitchen and Laura slumped on the sofa. I felt so awful for the both of them, Laura was so upset and I knew that she started feeling unwell again on the plane but didn't say anything, and Tris because I had a go at him in the airport and because he was trying so hard to make it up to Laura. Laura was quietly sobbing on the sofa and I couldn't decide wether or not to look after Laura or to go Tris, I looked at Brad and he walked over to Laura to comfort her so I went after Tris, I walked up the stairs and looked in the bedrooms until I saw Tris on a bed crying, It broke my heart (In my brotherly-sisterly way), I love Tris like family and the same with Laura and I know they love eachother very very much. I didn't say anything I just sat next to Tris and hugged him whislt he cried.

"What do I do? I love her so much Catie," Tris sobbed

"First, you wipe your eyes, next you go downstairs and give Laura a huge hug and a kiss, then finally you take her to a cafe, chat to her and explain everything that happened, clear the air between the two of you, she loves you as much as you love her," I said, hugging Tris as he sniffed and stopped crying, I needed to act confident for him, he needed me.

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