Chapter 9

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A few mistakes...... but here is a quick update..

Maddie (Storm) POV

I am glad we out of school for a week I need a brake from all this shit, so right now I'm about to call Jazz and chill with her since everyone is being a bunch of fuck niggas. "Maddie wake yo ass up and come help me clean this house, since you want to have all this mothafuckas in my house last night!" my mom is a bat from hell she just would not go away. I just mumbled in my pillow "Fuck out my face". All I feel was a belt go cross my damn back this bitch but I didn't move because my covers are thick. "Madison you think I'm playing get yo ass out the bed, ight imma leave you there don't ask me for shit" she said and walked out the room. "I won't bitch" I said low because my mom would really fuck me up. I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it said 6:10. I don't even wake for school let alone to clean, on a damn Saturday bye get out my face.


Lucy (Lev) POV

"Man Ma it's 6 o'clock in the morning and you yell" I'm tried from late night. I'm not telling what happened but I'm sure yall figure out soon. "Get yo ass up now, Lucy I'm not playing" my mom said in a calm voice like she a crazy person. I just got up because I don't want to here her mouth. "What mom da-" I was just about to curse. "Oh I wish the fuck you do! pleaseeeeeee cuss! I will beat the fuck out of you, you wouldn't be able to eat shit or sleep for days don't try me!" she yelled and slammed my door. "IF Y'ALL DON'T BE DOWN HERE IN 20MINS I'M BEATING EVERYONE ASS!" my dad yelled when he jump in the situation it's all over for us. I hear Maddie ass scrambling and I'm putting my slides on. "Coming!" maddie and I both said at the same time.

A good hour later

"So who the niggas yall had in my house?"

my dad said he starting to look stress out after that trip he took a couple of days ago. Maddie and I don't know what our dad does for a living he just tells us as long you know I got it you can get. So we don't question him about it at all. I looked at Maddie she didn't seem phased about the situation at all.

"So Y'all ain't gon say nothing what the fuck y'all got a mouth for than. When I ask you a question then you damnit answer!" he yelled. I got scared as shit but maddie didn't seem phased. I watched what she mouthed. "Take the blame" maddie mouth. Hell nah I'm not about to get fucked up, she had Jazz and Craig them over, I only had Zeke so we can split the blame. So I sat there. "Daddy I only had Jazz over, it was Lucy who had all "them niggas" in yo house"Maddie said like she innocent this bitch is fucking insane. "No Daddy I didn't she lying"I yelled I refuse to take blame. "Yes she did because she had that nigga Zeke all in her bed" oh no the fuck she didn't. Right when she said that our parent looked right at me and I show Maddie smirking. What kinda of sister does some shit like that I know I'm in deep shit now.


"Daddy!" my Babygirl yell running to me. "Hey Daynah! Have you been good, or bad" I asked her because I know she has a attitude and she spoiled rotten. I looked at her think of what she was going to say. "Umm I've been good!" she said and smiled, I know she's lying but I got her something anyways.  "Daynah go look at your new room" I told and put her down and she took off running.  "Why do you spoil her, that's why she acts the way she do now, she thinks she's suppose to get everything her way and right then and there."  Veronica said, damn she looking better then ever, but the reason we didn't make it was my fault.  I fucked up to many time, and I know im not about to fuck because she got a new nigga he a punk ass mothafucka. He's been a spoiled rich kids a type of nigga that thinks he's white. Fuck that nigga I'm going to hit Vee before she leaves. "Man chill I'm going to keep spoiling her that's my babygirl" I said while hugging her and started to rub her back. "Back the fuck up you not getting this you, because you fucked up" she said while pushing me back. "Man I knew yo punk ass boyfriend can't put it down like me, so quit playing and come here." I told her and pulled her closer to me. "No move!" she said. "Man Vee chill come on" I said and just sat on the couch. "Chill out bitch you fucking my cousin Tasha, and besides I've moved on and I'm having a baby, and I need for you to take care of Daynah" and with that she left.



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