Chapter 3: The Right Hand Man

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(Authors Note )
Hello this is my  drawing of king dice ,the piture  above.
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King dice Pov ~ 
I was hedding back  to the casino , it was getting  dark. I walk inside and seeing everyone minding  there own  buissnes . Until Pip and dot ,rushing down towards  to me, wow did they really  miss  me or the  just exited for tell  me something?

Pip and Dot : Dice ! Dice ! We miss you. And there some one came in !!

King dice :Oh, then who is it? Is it,some one we already  know ?

Pip : NO! Its a Human girl!
Dot: And she was so pretty! *gigle *
King dice :Huh, nice try kid ,we are human with our own powers.

Phere Lap show up .

Phere :Those kids are correct, there's a new face in the town and she was'nt in this world,nor her powers.

I was suprise ,that news was intresting. How can any one from the other dimension came in this  world ?! But i knew boss know  about this  stuff . I gonna  ask him.

King dice :Where 's the girl? And boss?

Priuletta: I let her inside and take her to boss's office ...

I shock that the lady was there already!

King dice: Why would you do that?! You know that you won't let  any one come inside the casino ?!

Priuletta : I let her in cause boss told me so before the lady  ever come in this  world.

Then a the world is shaking , i know it wasent an earthquake . Then load *CRASH!!*come in the office. I rush in boss office, that what kind of  tarnation happening there. Then there voices,  there were fighting ?
I was getting closer and closer to the office . Then i open the door , it came from right side above m      e, something hit me so hard that fell floor.I open my eyes and i saw someone is on top of me. My face started heated up .

"Hello .."she said ,with an awkward smile , her (color ) orbs shines .She was beaten up ,few scares marked her body and her clothes are thorned .
King dice: Hi-

"STAND UP HUMAN!! FACE MY DEMISE !! Then i was intorupted by boss , showing his demonical form .
He was filled with range. Then he attack her ever i was at her side.So we dodge the attack by rolling in the floor .It's awkward ,then she stud up and said:

Then they started to run to each other . And punch each other faces , it was like inpace of two misselse . Then she fell in the ground , she was pass out of tierdness.*KNOCK OUT * So i rush over to check them out , i was panicing in the moment.


Devil /boss : Language , Dice! We don't use GOD in this room .

King dice :Yeah but...Is she dead?

Devil / boss :No... *silence fild the room *

Devil / boss :Dice, take her to the guest room and clean her up. Put her some fresh clothes ...

King dice: Yes boss !

I started to carrying her , piggy back ride . I walk outside carrying her out the office.Wow she was strong  and tough, inufe to fight boss like that. But whats the deal with them? What's the agrement with boss and her? I'll ask boss later, when i finish with her, patching her up.

Mean while~

Devil Pov~
Devil / boss : (Y/n)(last name),*huff* she beat the man *huff *out off me...
As i slowly turning in to my human. Hm, my horn almost crack . Then one of my skeleton came and my (small demon) minions .

"Boss what gives ,to fight her like that?"skeleton  said.

"Yeah boss, why did you send her in this world ? And deal to be
maiden in this place ?  you know there a plenty of people in the world ". Small devil  said.

Devil / boss: You see...

Time skip~~~

(Y/n) POV

I slowly open my eyes starteing to wake up , i felt forever been sleeping .The a light blinding my eyes ,then i thought am i in heaven ? Then i sit down  look in my side , and saw the man in the battle feild , he was sleeping peacefully  . Then i look at my self was clean and patch up with some bandage around my body and my clothes , it wasent mine . The t-shit was huge said loaded and big shorts.


(Y/n): AHHHHHH!!
King dice: AHHHHHH !!!
We both screaming in terror.
King dice :STOP DOING THAT!!!
He was angry at a teen age boy with  no eyeballs and hat on his .

King dice: Oh, my lady your awake. My apologies at Mr. Chimes, he was so excited like a monkey he was.

Mr. Chimes :Hey i am not a monkey! If you want me to leave you two love birds , then fine!

Then he leave with a loud slam at door. I was blushing that he said to us, love birds ? What is he taking about ?

King dice :My lady ,whats your name?

(Y/n): (y/n)(last name)! Yours?

King dice : King Dice but call me Dice . You have a beatiful name.

(Y/n): T-thank you. But your boss told me to be a maiden if i lose, i have to get started.

I starded to stand up but i was push back in bed .

King dice : Stay , you need to recover, i'll ask boss he skip the day and so you work tomorrow.
So go to sleep.

Then he leave you and close the door. You lay down and start closeing your eyes and fallen a sleep. Dice was kind not bad person  at all. But...

Tomorrow is a new  day ...

My king (cuphead: Human king dice x reader )Where stories live. Discover now