Chater 16: behind the shodows

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(Sorry if this take so long and this chapter isn't about you.... Sorry)
It's between the the two demons face to face. The boss of the casino has huge smile at the demonical gurdian . They seems hate eachother but they didn't know that someone is watching them...

"Long time no see. How the years being boss of the casino and being a big jerk from your best friend King? " (y/d/g/n)  spoke to him . But the Devil is has no guilty, he never smiled to this demon . " Hey i didn't! it not my fult i m not a big ...jerk..." He seems realize that sometimes his a big Jerk to everyone. The gaurdian smiles for his relizesation but the Devil question.

"So how's the years babysitting a hu-" "Idiot! I have been stuck from a horrible heaven's chain's before i got into this time line. BECAUSE OF HER PEARENT'S STUPID MAGIC TRICKS!" As they gone to hi/her rage mode. Showing eyes of a snake, sharp claws , sbake tounge and ponty horns. But the Devil still calm he doesn't care what happen to ( your demonical gardian name) ." Was it fun up their ?" " I HATE THAT PLACE! THAT'S THE HELL THAT I HATED ! YOU KNOW WHO's DEMON THAT I HATED THE MOST ? IS YOU!" She/ he seem hated the most is this demon.

Hey thAt's long time ago...I can't recall the time that i did something to you? How many years was that ?- "THE YEAR SINCE YOU MET DICE MAN!  YOU TOLD THE OTHER DEMONS THAT I STEAL THE BLACK DIAMON THEN THEY PUNISH ME FOR A HUNDERED YEARS OF GAURDING HER STUPID ANCESTORS." As he finally understand situaition and remmembering the old friendship.

Devil Pov
It was 20 years ago ....( but in you time line it was 200 years ago)
The demon relm or hell it was filled with kayose , tortue , evil souls burning in flames,
(Y/D/g/n) was filled with hatred that how we know each other. I a maybe the demon of greed cause i am obsess of money but we get along much . But few years later i was bored and wonder what if i go above . I wonder what happen if i am at ground with grass and trees. I am sick at this place anyway so me and (y/dg/n) plan to above and teleport to inkwell , we made a deal to mess with adult and other kids . But i am a cry baby . I change to human and preatend that he is innucent
The dark night at the sky , King and The demon made friend.
But ( y/dg/n) didn't want make relation ship with others.
Then one day me and (y/dg/n) go back to the demon world to steal the black diamon in the deepest hell.

The black diamon is the important and most power ful thing in the under world. That whoever has the power, he or she is has the power to choose the siners to there deaths . But if the human have the power , the person must control his or her depression and challengest.  The purest heart change to coldest they are the choose one.

The two demons run and doged every  trap, and once we made it the , i took the black diamon and we will ruled evry relm, but  (y/dg/n) take it away and was blinde with pride . (Y/dg/n) was selfish , i try take it and actsidenty fell and broke it . Once it statter it pieces the power was flewed away and go to the other dimension . Then the other demons came and told them what happen . I lied that try to stop him form stealing, but work (y/dg/n)  was punish and send to the other demensiont to find the black diamons power  to the ( last name).

     End of flash bacck

     Narrator pov:

The years that they are partners in crime are finish . Now they are angerd to see each other. (Y/dg/n) smiled to the boss and said:  " Oh old friend, let me tell you my vison about you pal and the girl name (y/n)"
" what about them" the devil was confused  " Here's a riddle or not there something i wanted to say to you: As i were in a dress in black, i was covered with blood and knife . Get out of my head , i wont last with you. I were in a black , holding your time ,i will wait until the time went by i'll wait for you until your times up. The man you cared , will be satterd in pride , heart and soul , but i'll say hello and good bye. " 

As (y/dg/n) was vanish, the Devil reapeated the few words that (y/dg/n) said to him. He thought " black dress that one of the maidens  dress in black and wear a white apron"  Until he rea lize the riddle .....

   (Y/n) wont last any longer...

Authors note :
He y iam on vecation. I'll try to write more of the next chapter but please don't be mad about this that i stop writeing for a while sorry.

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