Chapter 17: Knife, Blood and Confession

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WARNING : Might be gore and to much but if you like blood then you can continue.
King Dice Pov
As i leave the room , i have a thought" i felt bad for her, she need to stop depression . I need her ... I love her.. I don't want to see her get hurt or cry" . But remember what she said she have a demon since she was born...... Is boss have something with this   situation in her life, does he knows about this demon ? Well he is a demon maybe he know demon decades ago before we met . I was busy in my thoughts , when i were walking the hall way , passing by the boss's office then i heard boss arguing with someone . I take a peek at the door then, i saw a person floating with a dark oura, it not dirty siners souls it was different.. He's talking to someone  other than employs , but who's that person? As that weaired
ghost  peson vanish with anger. " Dice, come in " Boss called me . He knows that i heard every word they argued.

As i step inside i felt swaet dripping to my face, he staires me like he's gonna kill me . He grin wide then showing six  eyes . I felt sins crawling in my back. Once i face to boss he spoke. " How long have you stand and listening there" i clear my troath "Not much . S-sorry Boss i shoud have known" He sight and said " Great , you should really know about (y/n) " " What do you mean i should know ? " i was so confused .

" Do you have feeling for (Y/n) ? Did you?" My face was red did he really made that face of his just for that question really? He laugh at my reaction but he suddenly stop but still smile " I knew it and i am so happy for you but you need to hurry " " Boss please don't dare steal her ! Not even Mic will take (y/n) a way from me!" I was angerd "Chill King that's not what i meant? " " Then what is it?" " (y/n) won't last any longer... She'll/He'll die soon." W-what's that soppose to mean? Why (y/n) will die! " B-boss you not serouse ? Are you? " He stared at me with seriouse look ... That means his not..

" You know you saw me with floating ghost .. That not a Ghost that's (y/n)'s gaurdian and my fellow friend decades ago" I knew it , it was obiuse. After explanation that what might happen . I must be prepared but i need to rest . However came to my thought that if it will happen " (y/n) she will never get herself killed...... Right " he filled with wores , he went to his place take the rest of the night

Narrator pov
You doing chores as usual at morning, but you were clean the devil desk , the devil room were filled money and gold every where. Now  you know what kind of a damon is he. Back to you, its like your doing everything , you carry the bucket of water, and towel that you to clean the table , you can't denay the feeling you have for king Dice  yesterday . You couldn't stop thiking his beautiful face . Every time you think about him your forgot your scedule . It's funny to you that he might like you but have second thought you will have a chance . Suddenly your body is feeling heavy and vision is turning black , its like you in night vision but it wasen't like the other days .

Your pov
Its happening again ... My vision .... I see the hallway as usuall but it's dark , no one is there. I walk slowly ,i drop the cleaning equipments , spilling the bucket filled with water dripping staires down . I walk slowly down the staires and search the kitchen .i don't what's happening but i can't contorol myself . I open the cabinet wide and drawers. Then i heared voices but it waswn't my gaurdian's voice . It keep saying "kill your self. Do you like red? Get a knife" My eyes glared at sharpest knife , i slowly walk and grab one knife, the sharpest knife. "Yes cut yourself" i see smiles every where in red. I want to stop it! MAKE IT STOP!  Why this voice in my head show when iam happy or deppress. It happen ever since ( y/d/g) leave me out of my body and my life is mizirable . They keep telling die... For no reasons .  As my hand started deeply slice the other arm and risk showing the dark blood . You can feel the pain . My mind thought of my self "why am i doing this? I can't stop... "  am i posses with  other demons in my body made me do this.  Voices keep telling you " Good bye i'll see you in the underwold. " This voice is you gaurdian . As knife pointed to your neck and ready for stab myself. Suddenly someone grabed my hand it was... Mic what a surprise.

Francines POV......

"Ya know those two are suspicious in their actions but not like a weird way like ....... Crying,shouting,etc.
I heard that (y/n) had depression because if I had depression I woul do something and not jumping off the balcony
But.. One day I saw (y/n) is talking to the weird black or blob thing.... ewww...... but they are acting like they are going to kill someone or commit suicide even talking to the demonic guardian angel I think wait. Is that the black blob that I saw... Meh... its still weird welp having a hard time thinking I about that demonical guardian angel eh... Ok I am just going to watch in my room "THOR RAGNAROK" it is the best Im gonna watch now.... Bye"🙃

Narrator Pov

As you body was full posses and take over . Mic grab your risk to stop you, then you kick him in the stomach , he let go your risk . Then you hold the knife and stab Mic to his guts . you still attack him but he still away from you. You followed him . Holding the bloody knife , walking to casino with your eye ire turn red and asmile like psyhco woud do. Mic trip over , and hit the flor Then magostin grab you behind you swearm around. The other memmbers saw what going on . The you stab Mangostin's,arm ,the knife is almost to the bone . Then he let you go and you punch him .

The sunddenly card flew to the air , like surikanes caught your dress and sleeve then send you to the wall . You were stuck you anger the man in purple. King Dice was worried , he walk towards to you . As you two were face to face , he grab your cheeck , and said.
" I know your there (y/n) , just please snap out of it ....... Please i need you .... Wake up....I never even told you i love you.

He put you forhead to yours , you saw his tears drops fell to his face and you felt your tears fell to your face as well. The you snap you self to reality but you lost it. Beforeyou you close your eyes you still saw (y/dg/n) behind him . The its black out .

Time skip

Your Pov

I woke up , lights is blinding my eyes . Am i in heaven ? Am i dead? You thought to your self but Then you see a familiar face, it was KD . I saw smiled with tears to his eyes , i try to get up. Then he hug you with relief , i cried huging him tight . Not long after ww releast each other , i wipe my tears.

W-what happen to M-mic and M-mangostin ?  Are they alright?"  I question with guilt.
Mic almost lost blood and his liver is were wounded but he tstill survive . And Mangostin  arm will be fine." He replied,
I am sorry .... I made trouble to the casino.... I am just a mess..."

"(Y/n) i understand about your deppression and some spnirts contoling you . It not your fault it's your gaurdian . I am the one who need to ne sorry .. Cause i am didn't save you from those cuts."

He said with dessapointed to himself. You saw your arms cover in bandages. But you hold his hands , there are warm . You made eye contact to him and said.

" It's okay .. Iam still here ... Don't worry about it ... I am fine." You smiled to him . The he smiled . " Yeah... Thank God for second chance. "

" Oh King, did you said you love me? Why? You know i have deppression and i am not like the other pretty girls in your place. You deserve better than me."

"(Y/n) , ever since i met you... I felt weird feeling from you. I try to ignore it but you the one in my mind, nothing else. I feel my heart beat when ii am with you , i don't know what to do when your gone. Iknow your depression agains your feelings, i don't care if someone judges us and i'll take care of you if it needed. I love you from the bottom of my heart."
Pirulletta ,
He loves about me?! I was happy , i cryed again . I don' t understand why am i still crying . I should be haappy . I cheeck were a little bit red and my heart beat beatng fast. " I LOVE YOU KING ! I AM SO HAPPY ! I LOVE YOU FROM ALL PF MY HEART !" Then he kiss me pasonatly and i kiss him back . Few  seconds later both of us let go .  I smile to him , i never thought he feel desame .

"Hey Guys what did i miss?  " france came inside the casino.  Pirolletta was disapponted

.."uhh guys I know I miss everything but I dont care about that because I AM WATCHING SOMETHING HERE!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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