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A Tortoiseshell-and-White she-cat dropped into a hunting crouch. She eyed the mouse, which was nibbling on a seed. She bunched her muscles, getting ready to pounce, when a clump of ferns whispered behind her. She whirled around to see a gray and white tom step out from the wall of green.

"Greetings, Cloudstar," She mewed. "What brings you here?"

Cloudstar dipped his head, "Skystar and Birdflight need you."

"Of course," She grumbled, "Lead the way."

Cloudstar led the Tortoiseshell-and-White she-cat through the woods. They leaped over logs, pushed through bushes, and swam across a wide stream before they finally paced across a wide open meadow. Butterflies and Moths flitted past their muzzles. Birds sang and bees buzzed.

Cloudstar and the she-cat padded through belly deep grass toward two star-lit cats. One was dark brown and the other was a pale gray-ish color.

The she-cat touched noses to the dark brown cat, "Greetings, Birdflight!"

"Greetings, Brightsky."

Brightsky turned toward the pale gray tom, "What did you need me for, Skystar?"

"We need to welcome Skyclan's medicine cat to our ranks."

"Fidgetfoot died?" Brightsky gasped.

"Yes, he drowned in a flood," Skystar responded, dipping his head in sorrow.

Brightsky returned the gesture, "Let's go get him then."

The four cats trekked up a hill and through a hazy mist until they seemed to be padding through air. A starlit path glittered behind them. They pranced gracefully all the way down through the mountain peaks until they reached an overflowing pool of water, created by the tumbling waterfall. They plunged into the water, the current and lack of air not affecting them.

The Starclan cats swam deeper and deeper until their paws touched the bottom. On the stone floor of the pool lay a sodden gray heap.

Skystar nudged Brightsky forward. "What, me?" She mewed, surprised.

"Yes. Welcome him to Starclan, Brightsky." Cloudstar mewed.

Brightsky stepped forward to the gray bundle. She touched it with her nose and bright white, shining stars sparked from the touch. Brightsky stepped back as the cat rose to his feet. His fur fluffed up, despite the water, and starlight started to spread as it danced around his paws, making its way up to his ears.

"May I say goodbye to my apprentice?" He asked immediately.

"Yes, Fidgetfoot, of course." Cloudstar said, waving his tail toward the surface. "But don't show yourself."

Fidgetfoot dipped his head and swam up. The four Starclan cats followed him. They sat on the stone bank and watched as Fidgetfoot, hidden from living eyes, brushed up against his former apprentice and whispered in her ear.

"What's he saying?" Brightsky whispered.

"He's reminding her of the prophecy," Skystar murmured back.

Fidgetfoot stepped away from the medicine cat and bounded back. "Do you think my message was clear enough?"

"Follow the Blood Trail?" Skystar asked. "Yes. Well, they may not realize it yet, but they'll figure it out eventually."

* * *

A misty, gray-white she-cat opened her eyes to find herself in a field of erupting screeches and waves of cats tearing each other apart. Some were digging their sharp claws and yowling in triumph while others were shocked to their core in fear and confusion with blood streaming from their pelts. The sound of fur being ripped off pelts echoed in her ears. Shaking with fear, she closed her eyes to shut it all out.

Suddenly, everything swirled around her, tossing her into the air until she was in a world of white with jagged peaks touching the endless sky. Wind whipped around her, trying to knock her off her paws with its sharp, stinging gusts.

She gazed around and her heart skipped a beat.

She couldn't believe what she saw wavering through the wall of white. It was a Tortoiseshell-and-White pelted tom with blazing golden eyes. An enemy to Skyclan from long ago. Oh no, she thought to herself, I know this cat, and exactly why he's come...

Blackness closed around her and she awoke in her warm nest in the mice filled barn. Getting up, the white she-cat stretched, arching her spine.

"Are you alright Cloudmist? You seem as if you haven't slept in a moon." A tom mewed, his voice full of concern.

"All can hear and smell is monsters in every direction and screeching of cats in agony." She hesitated at first. "There's something wrong, I know it." She almost whispered.

"Well, if you feel as if you must go, I am not stopping you." He rasped, flicking his ear.

"Thanks for understanding, Barley, I must go. There is a threat bigger than they know, lurking in the shadows, seeking vengeance." Suddenly determined, she slipped through the barn door into the unknown. I may be old, but my friends and kin need me!  

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