Chapter 15

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Fernwhisper stopped dead in her tracks, as did Cherrystar. "What did you say?" She asked her sister.

Amberleaf didn't reply. She just kept staring in a certain direction. Fernwhisper followed her eyes and gasped at how red the setting sun looked. It looked like it was pouring blood down onto the twolegplace and forest beyond. It really does look like blood!

"So it wasn't an actual trail of blood!" Cherrystar exclaimed. "It was the setting sun all along!"

"I tried to tell you!" Amberleaf sighed, "But you kept ignoring me and saying we had to look for lines of blood along our travels. Starclan is never specific! They only speak in riddle-like terms."

Cherrystar dipped her head. "I know, and I should of listened to you. But with everything going on, I forgot to look to my closest helpers: my deputy and my medicine cat!"

"Thank you, Cherrystar." Fernwhisper mewed, trying not to show how emotional she was getting. "Shall we continue our journey?"

"Of course! How about Amberleaf leads the way. She found the Blood Trail after all!"

"Sure thing, Cherrystar!" Amberleaf took the lead.

They trekked across an open field before they ran into the woods. It was almost like home to Fernwhisper. She longed to climb a tree, chase some squirrels.

By the time they reached a stream, it was way past dark. Everyone was so exhausted, no one cared about getting moss for bedding. Fernwhisper curled up next to her sister and kits on the soft, muddy ground.

Dappled sunlight filtered into Fernwhisper's eyes as she blinked them open. She stretched and ambled over to a tree stump to begin organizing hunting patrols. "Dewfrost, Doepaw, Fallowfern, and-" She scanned the makeshift camp.

"I'll go on one!" Cherrystar's voice sounded behind Fernwhisper.

"Great!" Fernwhisper mewed, "Take Wasppaw with you. And head downstream." She waited as they bounded off before calling the next one. She was about to speak when Duskpeak came up to her.

"Can I lead one?"

"Of course. Take Meadowlark, Prinkleleap, Windwhisp, Tigerlily, and Plumwillow. Head upstream!" Fernwhisper ordered. Now who's left? "Wait! Take Cloudmist with you!"

Cloudmist ran to catch up. "While we're out, can I wash myself in the stream?"

"Sure." Prinkleleap told his mother.

Fernwhisper padded down to the stream. She gazed into the reflective surface. Suddenly, a bright colored object flickered by. Fish! She thought happily. She sat on the bank, making sure she didn't cast a shadow over the water, and held her paw out.

A couple of fish swam up and stopped. Wow, these fish are dumb! She purred to herself. Quick as lightning, Fernhwisper flash a paw into the water, hooking a fish in her claws. She let it flop around for a few moments before stabbing it with her paw, killing it.

She picked it up and carried it over to Amberleaf, Leafkit, and Seedkit. "Ever tried fish before?" She asked the kits, setting the fish down in front of them.

"No." Seedkit mewed hesitantly.

"Here, try some!" Fernwhisper pushed the fish closer.

Seedkit padded slowly up to it, Leafkit trailing behind. Seedkit sunk her teeth into the flesh, ripping off a small chunk. "It's chewy." She mewed.

Leafkit took a small bite, "It's slimy!"

"Well, duh, mouse-brain!" Seedkit mewed matter-a-factly. "It comes from water."

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