Chapter 11

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Blazestar above! :)

Bright light started to filter through Amberleaf's eyelids and she slowly opened them. Gazing around, she saw green leafy trees and a gurgling stream. Where am I? Am I in Starclan?

"Welcome, Amberleaf, to StarClan's hunting grounds."

"Am I dead?" Amberleaf queried.

"No, no. I summoned you." The gray and white tom, Cloudstar, waved his tail, signaling her to follow him.

They crossed over a fallen tree branch with prey scurrying in different directions. No wonder no one gets hungry in Starclan. They trekked across a small hill before coming down on the otherside. Amberleaf gasped, she couldn't believe what she was seeing, "I-is that you Blazestar?" She whispered.

"Yes it's me Amberleaf." Blazestar nodded his head curtly.

"But we're not here for a reunion!" Cloudstar snapped, "There are more important matters to discuss." Cloudstar padded away and seconds later, returned with a mottled gray tom treading behind him.

Amberleaf's green eyes grew wide before she greeted the mottled tom, "Fidgetfoot!"

"It's nice to see you Amberleaf!"

"You too." She mewed happily.

Amberleaf sat down and laid her tail in front of her as Cloudstar and Fidgetfoot did the same while Blazestar stood up and spoke. "Amberleaf, listen closely: Be careful who you put your trust into. There is someone amongst you who doesn't belong..." His voice started to fade away and Fidegetfoot, Cloudstar, and Blazestar became more and more transparent. Beneath her paws, the ground wore away and her vision became shadowed.

"Wake up, Amberleaf!" Amberleaf awoke as she heard two voices screeching near her ear.

"We are leaving! To the Clans!" Seedkit yowled.

Amberleaf lifted her head and slowly got up to her paws. I think I have an idea who we shouldn't trust...

"Come on Mama, do you have to sleep 'till sunhigh?" Leafkit squeaked.

"Okay, okay, keep your pelts on! I'm getting up." Amberleaf stifled a yawn and got up from her warm spot in the long grass. The wind ruffling her fur as it drifted across the meadow waving. She saw everyone already up and going. "Where's your father, Seedkit?"

"Uh... don't ask me." Seedkit replied and bounded away, Leafkit on her paws.

Sighing, Amberleaf padded out towards Fernwhisper, who was meowing orders for patrols. Cherrystar and Sol were nearby, perched on a rocky part that stuck out from the waves of tall grass. The lush green blanket seemed to go on forever, except for the woods they left behind and a dot in the horizon where the sun rose each dawn. "Fernwhisper, do you know where Parsleyseed is?"

"Yes, he's on a hunting patrol, do you need him?" Fernwhisper replied

"Yes. But it can wait. I need to talk with you." Amberleaf insisted.

"Okay, I'm coming." Ferrnwhiper responded and ordered out one more note before bounding up to where Amberleaf was trudging. "So what's up?" Fernwhisper asked as they plodded side by side through the waves of grass and the whistling wind.

"Well last night I had a dream...Blazestar spoke to me." Amberleaf replied.

"Blazestar spoke to you?" Fernwhisper's voice was full of disbelief.

"Yes, he spoke to me."

"About what?" Fernwhisper queried.

"He said: 'Be careful who you put your trust into. There is someone amongst you who doesn't belong.'" Amberleaf repeated exactly what Blazestar said. Amberleaf hesitated, "And I think I know who that is."

"I also think I know." Fernwhisper replied.

They held each other's gaze and mewed, simultaneously, "Sol."

"I felt like all along there is something not right about him." Fernwhisper declared.

"Agreed." Amberleaf mewed, nodding her head.

"Let's go tell Cherrystar." Fernwhisper mewed.

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