Chapter 13

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"Amberleaf! Help!"

Meadowlark's screech rang into her ears. Now what? "What's wrong Meadowlark?" Amberleaf mewed, twitching her tail. "I-Its Fernwhisper, she got attacked by dogs!" Meadowlark's eyes was brimmed with shock.

"Where is she?" Worry started to cloud Amberleaf's thoughts. "Meadowlark listen to be carefully, go get Cherrystar and make sure sure she brings a few warriors to get Fernwhisper back to camp." Her voice was urgent.

"Y-yes I'll tell her." Meadowlark stuttered.

Amberleaf whipped around and grasped a pawful of cobwebs, thyme, Horsetail, and Chervil Root in her jaws before sprinting through the long wavy grass. With every paw step, the grass flattened behind her, swishing like a whirling windstorm. "Fernwhisper!" Amberleaf yowled, flattening her ears against the strong gusts.

"Over here!" A deep voice called. She tracked where the voice came from and skidded to a stop. In front of her was a Tortoiseshell-and-White figure lying on the blood stained grass. Fernwhisper!

Reedthicket was hovering over her like a cloud. She padded up to Fernwhisper and Reedthicket, and checked her sister's breathing...ok it's strong, but it sounds different. Like it's beating at a different pace. It still sounds strong so this is so confusing... Oh Starclan please help me save my sister, my best friend! Amberleaf prayed. She saw as Windwhisp, Prinkleleap, Meadowlark, and Cherrystar's figures brushed against the grass that opened up to the small clearing of bare soil where she was standing next to Fernwhisper and Reedthicket. She barked out orders to her clanmates, having them plaster the herbs to Fernwhisper's wounds. "Prinkleap let Fernwhisper's body lean against yours, and rap her front left paw around you, and Reedthicket get on her right side, and do the same thing Prinkleleap is doing. By all means be careful, we don't want her getting any more worse."

When they arrived at camp, Everyone seemed tense as they looked down at their deputy. They led Fernwhisper to the makeshift medicine den. She then got to work, bring her forepaws down on her sister's white belly. She repeated the action a few more times before Fernwhisper jerked and gasped awake. "W-here am I?" Fernwhisper rasped. "It's ok I'm here with you...always." Amberleaf replied, relieved to see she was still alive. She gazed at Fernwhisper as her eyelids began to close again. She padded a few fox-lengths away from Fernwhisper to hear what was going on.

She heard the voice of Sol "-This shows that we must leave for the clans as soon as possible, there are more dangers lurking around. His blazing golden eyes raked across the crowd of SkyClan cats. "We must leave before it's too late." He finally meowed calmly.

"But what about Fernwhisper? We can't just leave her here alone." Prinkleleap questioned. "She's my sister I would never leave her side." He added.

"Then you can stay here with her, if that's what you like." He replied, his gaze seeming to bore into Prinkleleap's.

Cherrystar climbed up the rock that poked out of the ground like a sore paw. "I believe that we must keep on moving, we can't risk anymore delays. We are too close to leaf-bare to stop." Cherrystar yowled, her voice like thunder.

Amberleaf couldn't believe what she was hearing. Are they just going to abandon us, and follow that stranger? Mouse-brains!

A deep voice broke her trail of thought, "Why would you ever think of doing such a thing? Abandoning your deputy? Your medicine cat? This is a mouse-brained idea!" Reedthicket dared.

Just what I was thinking...

"Like I said, if Amberleaf heals Fernwhisper they can just come and find us. But the rest of us need to keep moving." Cherrystar's determined voice rose above the breeze.

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