Chapter 16

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Last Chapter! Also, there will be another book after this. Called Thunder and Sky. I'll post it probably tomorrow. (It's already mostly written)

Amberleaf watched as Fernwhisper took control of Skyclan. She ordered a feast so they all had strength.

"Mama, I'm hungry." Leafkit squeaked.

"I know, dear. We're going to eat right now. And no need to call me mama anymore. You're five moons old, for Starclan's sake." She led her kits over to Parsleyseed and grabbed a vole. She let her kits share the vole while Amberleaf shared a rabbit with her mate.

Once every cat had eaten and most of the food was gone, Fernwhisper led them through the woods. It was dusk by the time they reached the edge of the forest. In front of them layed a busy Thunderpath.

"Should we cross this now, or wait until morning?" Cherrystar asked Fernwhisper. Amberleaf knew that Cherrystar only had two lives left and was basically training Fernwhisper for leadership.

"I, um, I think we should cross it now. Monsters sleep more at night than during the day so I think it will be safer."

"I agree." Amberleaf piped up, supporting her sister.

Murmurs of agreement rippled through Skyclan like a breeze blowing over a boulder. Fernwhisper visibly showed relief.

The deputy had them form a line along the edge of the black, hard-surfaced Thunderpath. She walked down the formation, tapping certain cats on the head with her tail. "Cloudmist, you and Cherrystar will go with Sagenose at the next gap.

Cloudmist, Sagenose, and Cherrystar stepped forward, nearly touching the Thunderpath.

"Tell us when to go, Fernwhisper." Cherrystar mewed.

"What? Me? Well, okay...Now!" At Fernwhisper's command, the three cats ran across the black surface.

Once they made it to the other side, Fernwhisper tapped three more cats with her tail. When she gave the signal, they dashed across. She repeated this several times until the only cats left were Amberleaf, Parsleyseed, Reedthicket, Fernwhisper, Seedkit, and Leafkit.

"All of us will go at once." Mewed Fernwhisper.

"Okay." Amberleaf heard Reedthicket answer. She picked up Leafkit while Parsleyseed picked up Seedkit. When Fernwhisper yowled the signal, Amberleaf dashed across. Her paws burned as they skimmed the hard, rocky surface. She ran as if her life depended on it. Well, technically, her life did depend on it. If she stopped, Amberleaf and Leafkit would be crowfood.

The heartbeat her paws hit grass, she skidded to a stop, sliding down the small dip on that side of the Thunderpath. She sat down with relief. We made it!

In front of them, rose a small hill. Amberleaf looked up and realized night had fallen. A bright full moon shown down on them.

"Should we have a gathering here?" Duskpeak asked Fernwhisper.

"No." The deputy replied, "I'm very positive the clans are just on the other side of this hill. So I say, let's get moving!"

Cheers erupted. "Fernwhisper! Fernwhisper!"

"Let's go!" Fernwhisper ordered and led Skyclan up the small hill.

Amberleaf let her kits walk up by themselves and when they reached the top, She let out an excited squeak. It was just like her dreams from when she was younger. It was a breathtaking view: the hill they were on sloped down to a black lake. She was sure it wasn't really black but it was so dark out, it appeared black. The full moon shown down on the shimmery surface. The lake reflected stars back up to the night sky. Each Starclan warrior shown down across the lake, dotting the black surface with white stars.

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