Oh look it's a prologue ~ :D

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       I watched as Seamus easily jogged around the track, his friends trying to match his pace. Ten laps to do in twenty minutes, two minutes exactly to do each one. Impossible, well, for his friends. The coach blew her whistle, signaling that there was only five minutes left. This was when it got interesting to watch people run. Seamus stopped at the bleachers where I sat. I held my hand out as he slipped off his beanie and shirt, tossing both towards me. Once done, he jogged back to the track, crossed the starting line again, and sprinted off.

        One of his friends, Eddie I believe, tried to match his pace, but he tripped. Before hitting the ground, though, he brought his arms up to his chest and turned his body, his back making impact with the ground instead. The others, except for Max, just gave up and slowed to a walk. This is what happened every time: Seamus would jog with his friends until the last five minutes, Seamus would then go off to the side to give me the shirt and hat, he'd sprint off, Eddie would get hurt somehow trying to keep up, the others would give up, Max would catch up to Seamus and they'd finish the rest of the remaining laps together while sprinting.

         It may seem boring to just be sitting down and watching people run laps every other day, but to me, it was entertaining as hell. I smiled to myself as I watched Seamus sprint the final lap. Damn, could he run. Him and Max are actually the two fastest normal runners in our grade, and Seamus is improving each month. I'm honestly surprised that he won't go into any sport, seeing as how fast he could run. Even the coach tried getting him to join a team, but he just won't.

        The sound of the final whistle blow drew me from my rambling thoughts. I looked up and saw the fast runner walking over to me trying to steady his breathing. He grabbed his water bottle and took a few small sips while I stood and walked down the few rows of seats in front of me.

        "Hey there, Kitty." Seamus greets me and takes another sip.

        "Don't fucking call me that, asshole." I rolled my eyes and hopped down to the grass next to him. "You ran well today."

        "I can call you whatever I want. Also, thank you Kitty, even though you say that every time." Seamus held out his free hand and I placed his shirt and beanie in his palm.

        "Well, you are a pretty fast runner. You know what you should do this summer?" We both started walking back to the boy's locker room slowly.

        "I'm not joining anything, Aleks. That was a nice try, though." Seamus smirked slightly and glanced over to me. 

        "But you're like, built for running! You could wipe everyone out with your running time." 

        "I'm not the one built for running here, Kitty. You are. Also, I know I could knock 'em down, but that wouldn't be too much fun, now would it? I like competition." 

        We walked into the locker room and I followed Seamus to his locker space. "Shut up. I know you like competition, Seamus. Just think, though. You could be labeled the district's fastest runner, imagine how fun that'd be." 

        "I feel like you're just trying to get away from me this summer. Are you that scared about hanging out with me even though we've done it every summer for the past, like, two years?" Seamus teased, opening his locker. He tossed his shirt in the small space and slipped off his shorts, also putting them in.

        "Seamus, I'm being serious, dude. This could really be great for you." I say, keeping my eyes on his head.

        "You're starting to sound like my mother now, Aleks. I know it could be great for me, I just don't want to do it. I rather stick to gaming and playing with Meowgi." After Seamus put his regular clothes on, he slammed the little door closed and locked it back up. Adjusting his beanie, he started walking towards the door, nodding for me to follow. I pout and glare.

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