Chapter One- hey, it's a Part Two :D

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       Once we got to the top of the staircase, Seamus squeezed past me and opened the next door to outside. He opened it wide and stepped aside once more, waving for me to go first. I walked past him with a small hidden smile and looked up to see one more small ten-step staircase. He grabbed my arm and led me up them, suddenly covering my eyes. I bite my lip. "S-Seamus?"

       "Don't worry, just a small surprise." Seamus says, I can hear the smile in his voice. I roll my eyes and he chuckles.

       He stops and moves his hand to motion around the rooftop. I let out a small gasp and look around at all the vines growing along the edges of the building with bright purple flowers. "Damn dude." I whisper in awe, walking towards a vine and touching a leaf.

       "Cool, huh? I've been helping them grow, surprisingly." Seamus says with a bright smile. I smile back and sit on the lone bench that sat in the middle of the roof. Seamus sits next to me and we stay quiet. My mind starts to drift off to my outburst in the cafeteria. I haven't done that to Seamus in years, it's a surprise he didn't yell back. He just... he brought it up. It's not even that bad, it just was on that day.

~woah a flashback thingy~

       I was walking down the hallway, just thinking about what I could do once I got home. My abilities were almost completed, which could possibly mean I could do badass things. I grinned to myself with the thought and suddenly got shoved against a wall. My eyes snap to who pushed me and and I growl. "Aw, kitty here can growl like a puppy. Isn't that cute?" Venom dripped from his words as he spat them out at me.

       "Go away." I hiss. His friends laugh and jump towards me, pinning my arms and legs down against the cold floor they pulled me to.

       "Poor you, a stupid cat and kid. You just can't win." He delivered a punch to my jaw and it made the worse cracking sound I've ever heard.

       Everyone else had at it, as well. Punches, kicks, scratching like bitchy girls, everything, was used against me as I laid against the floor. I felt anger start to build up inside of me slowly. As soon as once of them stepped on my tail, the anger boiled over the pot and spilled out of my body. I started thrashing around. I smacked the two guys holding down my arms and I latched onto one of the other's leg. No matter what I did, though, something else happened to me five times worse. I didn't feel the pain at first, no, I just felt anger. Here I was, a fifteen year old boy, getting beat up by guys who were in the same grade.

       The beating kept on for a while, even with me struggling against their hold. I started to notice a red substance sliding down my arms and stomach, but I ignored it. I managed to escape their hold on my arms and boy did I start hitting back. I knocked one guy out with one hit and managed to bruise the other with my weaker arm. With the group still beating on me, I stood and blocked most of their hits and kicks. They stopped for a moment, though, as I knocked their little leader down to the slightly red floor.

       "Cut. The. Shit!" I screamed, kicking the guy against his stomach. He gasped for air and his guys ran off, scared I would do the same. I shuddered and fell to the floor.

       "Dumb mistake." The guy growled out, standing up once more. He looked down at me and I weakly looked back. He slammed his foot onto my rib cage and I gasped out. He scoffed and spat at me, soon walking away without another hateful glance.

       After a while, I strained myself to slowly push up off the now warm floor and stand. I started to walk towards the bathroom to make myself look decent. Once I was done, I focused on getting home before Seamus. I did just that and I looked fine compared to my mood and internal organs. Seamus walked in with a bright smile, greeting me with a sarcastic remark. I nodded back and sat down slowly in my chair at the dinner table.

-ON HOLD-Completely Normal ~SSoHD~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz