Chapter Two

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       "So, tell me."

       "There's nothing to tell."

       "Aleks, come on. Why'd you do it?"

       I stared. "Michael, you're the mind reader here. You tell me."

       "Okay, if it was nothing, why won't you just tell me?"

       "Because, it's just that, nothing."

       Michael sighed out and ruffled my hair. "If you like him, just tell me. I don't judge."

       "Michael! I don't like Seamus! He's just a friend."

       "Then why'd you headbunt him?"

       "It's also called a sign of affection, god dammit."

       "So... You like him."

       "Michael!"  I groaned in frustration and leaned back against the couch cushion.

       "Ohhhh. You just don't know it yet, that's it." Michael nodded to himself and I continued to stare at him. "What," he looked to me and shivered. "God I hate that you're a cat... They have the creepiest stares, I swear."

       Michael has been at my house for over two hours and this is all we've been doing, yelling at each other. "Oh love you too, asshole." I growl, kicking his leg. He laughs and adjusts his glasses.

       "Well, Aleksandr, I think I'll go now. I got all I wanted, so," Michael stood up and stretched. "Bye bye." He started walking to the back door, but stopped right before it.

       "Just leave, you Australian." I say. He stiffles a laugh and nods, walking out the door and shutting it behind him. I can barely hear him whisper "stupid Russian" outside, but I let him be.

       I tossed the remote onto the spot next to me on the couch and stretched. Michael just can't stop being annoying once he starts. I laughed to myself and Mom walked in with a smile. "Hey kid, where's the Brit?"

       "Mom, you know he's not British." I laugh again and she chuckles.

       "I know. Seriously, though, did he finally leave?" Mom sat down next to me and ruffled my hair softly.

       "Yeah he did. Pff, 'finally.'" I smirk at Mom and she rolls her eyes.

       "I don't want you turn on me, Aleksandr." She narrows her eyes.

       "What are you talking about, mom?" I shake my head.

       "You're Russian, you're no Australian."

       We both stare at each other before laughing. I loved my mom. "Oh, hey mom? When's Dad coming home?"

       "In an hour or so. Why?"

       "I was just asking." I stood up and walked to the kitchen, Mom walking in behind me.

       "You thinking about asking him about the thing coming up?" Mom asked gently. I nodded and grabbed three plates from the cupboard.

       "Yeah, I mean, I have to ask before it comes time." I say, grabbing silverware next.

       "Aleks," Mom gently took the forks from my hand and sat them down. She tilted my head up to look at her and grabbed my hand next. "Have you told Seamus yet?"

       I shook my head slowly and looked back down. "No. No, I haven't." Mom tilted my head once more and forced me to look her in the eye.

       "You have to tell him also. Promise me you'll do it right after you tell your father."

-ON HOLD-Completely Normal ~SSoHD~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon