Chapter Three

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       It's been a couple of days since I got sick, Dex has been helping me out with getting better and Michael has been helping with missed work. I thanked the guys countless times for helping me out while I was sick and all they did was smile. Well, Michael sent me a mind message from time to time, but still. Mom and Dad have been trying their best to help out as well while doing their work, but I knew how busy they were, so I told them not to worry about it. I should have gotten better by now, with faster healing time and all, but I've been feeling shitty, like I was getting sick all over again. I wonder what actually got me sick? I mean, randomly getting a fever at night and feeling completely normal the day before is kind of... unusual.

       I sighed and sat up on the couch, the thin blue blanket sliding down to my lap. Well, if I'm going to try to figure out what the hell happened to me, I may as well call the Time Teller. I reached over to the coffee table and picked up my phone, unplugging it from its charger. I unlocked it and dialed his number I knew by heart. It rang twice before he answered, alertness evident in his voice.


       "Hey, Jake. I need to ask-"

       "Of a favor, I know. I had a dream, vision, you'd call today." he chuckled. "I didn't get the reason, though. Tell me, what do you want to know?"

       "Who got me sick? Rather, how did I get sick?"

       "A common cold, is what everyone thinks, but no, it's something that stinks. Someone wished for it to happen, someone who is cruel at heart, but them I do not know, that is not my art."

       "Someone wished for that to happen?" I whispered.

       "Did you not hear my rhyme?"

        I ignored his teasing voice and asked myself, "But who would've done that?" I sat up even more. "Jake, are you sure you can't tell me who?"

        "Do I have to repeat the answer for you, or no?"

       "No, I don't need to hear you rhyme again. But, do you know someone who could tell me who did it?"

       "Zak, but he's not awake or in the area."

       "What do you mean?"

       "He's in Texas, he left Massachusetts with his parents to visit family." His voice changed again, like when he rhymed, as he looked.

       "When will he wake up?" I ask.

       "When it's not five in the morning," he chucked again. "Around noon, he'll be awake, but he won't be in such a good mood, and that's a risk I will not take."

       "God damnit, Jakey. You're telling me I gotta call him because he's in a bad mood and you're scared of pissing him off?"


       I stared at the back door with a blank face. "Seriously?"


        "God damnit." I sigh. "Well, alright Jake. I'll talk to you later, you should get some rest you insomniac."

       "Yeah, I should." he paused and laughed. "So should you. Talk later."

       "Bye Jake." I roll my eyes.

       "Bye.... Sasha." He hung up before I could scold him.

       I locker my phone and placed it back on the coffee table. I wonder why someone would wish for me to stay sick? That's just mean. Well, Jake did say they were cruel at heart, but, 'at heart'? Did that mean that they seemed nice but they were really mean? Damn dude, too much thinking for this time of day. I slowly slide back down and lay on the couch again. Bringing the blanket back up to my shoulders, I closed my eyes and sighed in content. I'll think about it later.

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