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I took a chance to build a world of mine

A one way ticket for another life

On a petrol stained sailboat

On a petrol stained sailboat

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He's just a kid. Don't forget that.

But she already has.

"I can't fucking believe you." The two-toned haired boy crossed his arms and scoffed like the spoiled child he is. He turned around abruptly and was about to storm off to his room again, but he was stopped my his mother's hand on his shoulder.

"Jungkook.. listen uh. You're kind of a lot to handle.. you destroyed our house and that wasn't very um.. yeah. We need a break. From everything. It's just a week son." His father spoke up first, massaging his fingers into his temples with a very annoyed groan that Jungkook didn't catch onto since he was so used to it by now.

"So? Maybe i'm the one who needs a break from you. I don't need a fuckin... baby watcher-"


"I don't give a shit." He mimicked the older man's annoyed tone and turned around again, not stopping despite the petite woman grabbing for him again. As soon as he slammed the door shut; ignoring the books that toppled off his shelf, The gray haired man raised his voice again.

"Park Jimin will be watching you."

That got him out of his room.

With a wham so hard it could've easily broken an arm if that had been the purpose, he whipped open the door and glared at his father, then his mother, in pure disbelief.

"You're getting a police officer to babywatch me?!"


"I don't fucking care! What do you think i'm gonna do, rob a fuckin bank and then use that money to do human trafficking?! This is absurd. No, it's fucking stupid and I won't tolerate it. Find someone else." He growled, voice dripping with nothing short of absolute and upmost rage and almost even a small twinge of embarrassment. "He's like.. two years older than me. ain't that fuckin.. weird or something?"

" Three, and I mean no not rea-"

"Shut up. Just... shut up. i'm just gonna rot in my room. Bye. It's my birthday soon and you guys won't even be here to celebrate it." Jungkook sneered as he slammed his door shut again.

Jungkook woke up bleary-eyed the next morning, his lower half on his bed with his cheek smushed almost cruelly against the hardwood floor while his arms were somehow miraculously still on the bed. It took him a hot minute to realize that he was, in fact, on the floor and when he finally recognized the uncomfortable chill of the ground he squirmed and thrashed ferociously merely out of shock that he even fell asleep in the first place. After a loud thump and an equally as loud frustrated sigh, he pulled himself to sit up with his head against the bed.

"Man, what the hell?! I was supposed to be edgy and stay up all night and listen to Linkin Park and shit. Fuckin gay." He grumbled under his breath while he plucked himself off the wood and onto his messy white sheets that he'd grown to hate. "Communists." He muttered to the white sheets with a threatening glare and stood up only to continue frowning at them from over his shoulder. "Only communists use white sheets."

"I beg to differ."

The strangled cry that left the boy's throat sounded something of an opossum screech and the sound of an angry horomonal rabbit as he fell back against those stupid communist sheets he despised so much. His doe eyes that had only been presented in a scowl widened to their full potential for the first time in two years.

"Holy shit this dude is taller than I remember."

"You said that aloud."


"You're still as foolish as you always were." Jimin chuckled with a small head shake as he set down (dropped) a duffle bag onto the floor that the blonde-brown haired boy had his face pressed up against minutes ago. Jungkook eyed it cautiously, Despite not having a reason whatsoever to be weary of it in the first place.

"Hi." Jungkook chirped, voice hushed and forced as he looked at the man towering above him. He wasn't sure if it was because of Jimin's rank in the social ladder, being well known on social media and being one of the the best K-9 unit trainers in Seoul and having much more authority over the kid than he did over his own body that made him feel scared shitless of this man, yet some of that quickly dissolved when the seventeen year old stood up.

"Hey Jungkook. It's been awhile, hasn't it?" The younger just nodded abruptly in response, still recovering from waking up on the floor.

"How 'bout we go out somewhere to eat? Anywhere you like, my treat." Jimin grinned and his eyes scrunched up. Jungkook immediately noticed that his "Lucky Crooked Tooth" had been fixed, and was no longer a crooked tooth. With a small huff of disappointment, Jungkook nodded and trudged sulkily towards the shower.

"Gonna freshen up first."

"alrighty, be quick."

Jungkook shrugged and lazily dragged himself to the bathroom, wishing he could just be alone. 

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