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Keith and lance are always fighting. Its starting to get on the teams nerves. Pidge once said "they just need to Kiss."

Shiro agrees.

He has known Keith since his childhood considering their  cousins.

Hunk was baking cookies in the kitchen when Shiro,Pidge,Allura,Coran stormed into the kitchen shaking the tray of cookies that was just brought out.

They did not look like they were in the mood for cookies though.  

Such a shame cookies are amazing.

Their expressions lightened a bit when they took in the sweet aroma of the cookies.

Pidge's mouth started to water in wanting. She looked at Shiro with pleading puppy dog eyes, and he sighed and nodded.

 She grabbed the cookie and  muttered "it works every time."

 Allura rolled her eyes.

Pidge you s n e a k

Shiro sighed, "Their doing it again."

Everyone nodded except pidge who was too busy putting peanut butter in between two cookies.

Hunk Put his hand to his head where his yellow headband lay "fighting Again? Thats the third time Today! whats it about this time?" He bit into his soft cookie.

Coran twirled his mustache and said "Something a bout a Leather journal."

Shiro's eyes widened. Oh no! That hold keith secrets, Hopefully he wrote in Korean.

"Why was I Not told this Sooner?" Shiro crossed his arms, witch looked pretty intimidating.

"Why is it Important?" Allura cocked her head questioningly.

"Very, to Keith. Thats His Journal..." Shiro started off, but Pidge picked up. "And it's Bad because Lance held something with all his secrets."

Shiro nodded "Stories too."  

"I may have to take a look at it when this is done." Pidge added.

Pidge no, that's rude

Allura sighed again. "How are we going to fix this?" She seemed very concerned for Keith.

They were  distant ones he came out as Glara, but  Now they have contests like Who's more purple or  Who can do the weirdest things. Its funny to watch.

Pidge's head shot  up so fast, she would have got whiplash.

She whips her hair back and fourth

"I Have an Idea!" She took out her phone, and Scrolled through something that seemed like forever.

Finally she said "Ah Ha!" she held it up.

It was a shirt big enough for two people, One half was White the other Black. And low and Behold in the middle it said "the Get along shirt." Pidge announced witch was unnecessary considering its printed on the shirt.

Hunk smiled "thats a great idea Pidge! But lets do Red and Blue instead of black and white."  

Shiro gave a thumbs up ' Can any of you sew? I know i can't."

 "yeah!' Allura and Hunk echoed.

"great! We could also lock them in a room from the outside!" Coran Suggested.

Shiro and Pidge looked at each other while Hunk and Allura went off somewhere to sew

"Keith room!' They smiled evilly.

"Ill Get Keith.' Shiro nodded.

"And Ill get Lance.' Pidge stole another cookie.

The two walked off towards where they knew their friends were. 

The Get Along Shirt {Klance} ✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu