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As soon as we got into the sea, full of semi-pretty mermaids he immeadtly thought about what to get Keith.

Don'tk wanna give away my crush on him though.

He thought about mabey a coral necklace??
Nah too girly.

Ooh what about a coral knife.
Yeah that will work.

"High y'all!" Hunk yelled

We exited the lions.

"Lance!" A group of mermaids swan up to him.

"You still single?" One carresed his arm.

"Unfortunately not." Lance lied.

"What can we do for your forgiveness?" The mermaids sulked.

"Do you have a price of coral you could spare?"

"Who is it for?" They seemed suspicious

We will drown her ~the mermaids in Peter pan

"My bro Keith he wanted to come with us but he is in a full body cast." Lance lied again.

"Oh My! We are so sorry. Here." They handed him a piece of coral.
"Thank you."

"Hey lance let's go." Hunk called to him

"Hope Keith gets better!" They called

Once we got put of the water, hunk intercepted me.

"So when you gonna confess bro?"
"I dunno."

When we pulled up into the castle

Keith and I were immeadtly back into the shirt.

"Here man." Lance struggled to give it to him.
"Thanks dude."

A/n Sorry it's been so long and this is so short.

The Get Along Shirt {Klance} ✔Where stories live. Discover now