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"Lance..." Keith started

"Yeah?" Lances voice was shakey.

"Sorry. I know you like hate me but-"

"I don't hate you one bit." Lance interveened.

Keith looked at him strange.
"Well should we uh try to sleep?"

Keith stopped himself from stuttering or blushing.

Lance shrugged "sure, as long as you don't kill me in my sleep."

Keith was offended. "Why would I do that?" He was sincerely hurt.

"You hate me." Lance explained

"I sure as hell don't hate you.  Your infuriating that's all." Keith turned his head blushing.

The climed into Keith's bed both boys blushing like Ronald McDonald's Hair.

Now Keith being tired actually fell asleep unlike Lance.

He just stared at Keith for a while resisting the urge to kiss him

Keith turned onto lance head on his neak but he swore he heard him whisper something but he did not catch it.

Lances eyes grew heavy an hour or two later.

Keith held him tighter and whispered again, but lance caught it this time.

His eyes buldged, now burning cause lance was tired.

He must have heard wrong.

He swore Keith said "I want lance."

Lance decied not to say anything yet but  if it was true, he liked Keith back.
Lance finally fell asleep dreaming about Keith and his beautiful features.

He awoke when Keith stirred, Keith immeadtly went red with embarssment.

"S-sorry." Keith actually stutterd. 

Lance had no problem with their previous position and rather misses Keith on him.

"N-no it's ok. Really." Lance bravely put his arm around Keith's neck. Said boy kept getting red.

"Did I say anything?" Keith asked dreading the awnser.

Lance internally paled at the question knowing the truth and not wanting to lie.

Versus lieing to Keith's face. Lance made his choice.

Lance looked him in the eye and said one sentence.

"Yes, you said 'I want Lance.'"

Keith paled while lance asked his question

" is it true?"
Lance hoped so.

" Yes." Keith started crying.

The Get Along Shirt {Klance} ✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu