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The two Paladins sighed.

Keith dragged something out from under his bed.

Twas a Laptop with Glowing Black images on the top.

Flowers,Skulls,Weapons, Quotes from books.

"Is that yours?"  Lance asked curiously.

Keith Nearly chocked.
Keith Sighed 'No. It Belongs to..someone special.'  

He opened the laptop. "Do they know you have it?" Lance furrowed his eye brows. 'No, But they won't care."

Because their dead

 Keith Typed in a password, Lance by looking at it knew that it was 5 letters and started with H and ended with s.

 What ever Keith Typed was accepted to show the home screen was Collage of pictures or drawings.

Some had pictures of Keith,Shiro and A girl with Long Black hair and Purple highlights, Pale olive skin tone and dark Greenish Purple eyes.

Other pictures had 2 people and a word that makes no sense to Lance.

Keith obviously saw this and explained the word. 'Those are Her OTPs. Percabeth,Solangelo,Leico.." Keith pointed to each picture. 

"what was Her name?" Lance question inferring that the Mysterious girl owned this computer.

"Catalia.She was a Neko." Keith Awnsered.

 "I thought those were fake." lance confessed.

"Like Aliens and Alternate Dimensions?" Keith Queered.

Lance huffed "Fine you got me there."

Keith opened up the camera and took a picture of the two Paladins in the Shirt.

'Don't let that go Viral." Lance smirked.

"Yeah Yeah..." Keith said jokingly.

Lance sighed,"Do you have any embarrassing photos of You?" Lance was hopeful.

"Well yes- Doesn't mean imma show you though." Keith Pressed his lips together.

Lance had an Idea. "You show me 3 embarrassing photos or videos of you and Ill tell you 3 secrets of your choice.'Lance Hoped Keith will take the bargain.

Keith Pondered it weighing out the pros and the cons.

Finally he made up his mind. "No."

 Lance pouted. 'Why not?"  He wanted to know why?

"Your an Open book Lance." And i know everything about you. Keith thought.

'Am Not!" lance shoved keith, Witch ended up with them onto of each other again.

 They Blushed, and for a moment in Lances eye, he saw something. But it was gone.  Maybe he should reconsider.

"Ya know....I think i will take that deal." Keith looked away, trying to do his best to get off lance.

Lance's hopes perked.

the first Photo Keith showed him- he was Around 9 or so.  Keith was smiling, To show Black and red braces on his teeth. Lance laughed until he met Keith's Glare.

The Next one was a video.

YO SHIRO! a Voice yelled (Probably Keith's)

'Yeah Keith?' shiro stepped into view- he looked like 23 or so.

"I have a crush!" Keith muttered under his breath.

Shit!" keith closed the video

"sorry wrong one!" Keith muttered curses under his breath.

"No! I wanna Know who?" Lance felt Jealous.

'No." Lance was getting mad at this point.

'Why Not! You can trust me!" Lance's eyes filled with anger.

Keith turned his head. Tears were in his eyes.

'No! I Can't Trust you With This!" Keith let tears spill.

He Can never Know.

Keith thought. The door opened. "dinner time."

Shiro noticed Keith Crying and was Glaring at Lance.

"And I need to talk to you." He Glared harder at Lance.

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