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Lance pursed his lips together while Keith's words rang in his ears.

I can't trust you with this! Why other things but not this?!

Keith ran off twords the bathroom to dry his eyes.

Shiro looked at Lance menacingly "What.Did.You.Do?" He ground his teeth.

Lance got mad. "Why do you always defend him?! Why not me for once?"

Lance looked him in the eye. Shiro seemed almost amused. "He is my only family.Were cousins Lance."
Shiro explained.

Lance backed off, then proceeded to  spill the teaaaa.

Shiro's eyes seemed to grow wide.

"did it start off with Yo Shiro?" He seemed to know what this means

"Yes, why?" Lance crossed his arms.

"That brings very bad memories for Keith,sometimes makes him have a flash back and breakdown. Don't mention it." Shiro narrowed his eyes.

Lance sighed in defeat. 

Mabey it wasn't his fault afterall...

Keith got his face dry, but his eyes were still puffy.

Stupid mistake,keeping a video that has to do with him.

Keith fumbled around in the cabinet for Eye Drops.

Stupid stupid Stupid. How much longer will I have to do this? Keith looked up, held the eye drops above his left eye.

He squeezed gently. SIZZ the eye drop burned,making his eyes water.

He blinked a couple of times and did the same thing with his right eye.

Keith looked back in to the mirror.

His eyes were not as blood shot but still puffy.

He sighed knowing it was not getting better.

He fumbled with his hair, in a pathetic attempt to get it less frizzy and unruly.

Keith has frizzy wavy mullet version of Harry potter hair.

Keith Sucked in his breath and headed to dinner.

Everyone was already there. everyone turned to look at him.

"Four days." Coran told him stiffly.

Keith's head shot up "what?"
He was confused.
Surely this was not the remain time of his awful punishment.

"That's how much longer you and Lance have to do the get-a-long-shirt." Pidge summarized.

Keith groaned.
Lance looked at Keith with curiosity.

He tried making small talk but Keith ignored it.

He can never know, about Jason or what I feel now. It would destroy whatever we have now. 

Keith ate his goo hoping he could leave before lance did.

Shiro predicted this though.
When Keith tried to get up and leave, Shiro being already done, body tackled Keith pinning him the to the floor.

A second later so was lance.

Keith turned his head to see the startling beautiful blue eyes.

dam that pretty boy's sexiness- keith was getting turned on at the image of then lying next to each other as if they were lying in bed together.

But gay is yay
O t fucking p

UMPH- they were​ back into the stupid T-shirt.

After another minute they were back into keith's room.

The Get Along Shirt {Klance} ✔Where stories live. Discover now