4 - That Was Interesting

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An hour-maybe two-pass by. We spent the time just talking. I learned a little about his past, and he learned a little more about mine. I feel closer to him now, and have become much more comfortable in his presence. Perhaps playing his bride won't be as bad as I originally thought.

He escorts me to the elevator and back down to the first floor. I half expect for us to go separate ways, but he escorts me out of the building and to my car as well. I can't help but give him a half-assed, tired smile. "Thanks." I say.

He just gives me a nod, "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning at nine, so be ready." He puts a hand on mine and our eyes connect.

I feel different this time when I stare into his eyes. I become lost in them, and I can't bring myself to look away. They hold something along the lines of some stone-cold killer, but also a man who yearns for something more. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I can tell that it's there.

"Is there a way I can contact you?" I ask him, my lips curling upward. "A phone number, maybe?"

He nods his head, then pulls what looks to be a card from his pocket before handing it to me. "Call me if you need anything." I can hear the sincerity in his voice when he says those words. For a moment, it makes my insides feel warm.

"Thanks." I say, giving him a full and genuine smile. "I might just take you up on that offer. I'll be seeing you now. It was nice to meet you, 47." I open up the door to my car to get in.

"Ditto to you, Anastasia." Before I close the door he comments, "Have a safe night, darling." He closes the door for me and then walks himself back into the building.

I watch his back as he walks away until he disappears completely. When he's gone, I start up the engine and pull myself out of the parking lot. After I'm back on the road, I take a left and drive along the streets until I'm back at my own house. I park in the driveway, shutting off the car before I step out of it. I grab my purse beforehand and then close the door, which makes a sound that signals to me the car is locked and the alarm is activated. I brush my fingers through my hair as I walk up the stairs onto my porch. I fumble with my keys until I find the house key that unlocks the door. The minute I'm inside, I drop my purse on the ground before shutting and locking the door behind me. Today was a long one, that's for sure.

I take my heels off and place them in the shoe/coat closet next to the door, then make my way over to the kitchen. I am way too tired to make dinner, so I grab myself leftover chicken parmesan from a couple of nights ago. I pop it in the microwave for a minute and a half then settle myself into a chair at my dining room table.

Light tip-taps on the floor alert me to the animal that pitter-patters down the hallway. It's my Great Dane, Crystal. I must have woken her.

She comes right up to me and sits there, her tail wagging back and forth. "Hey, girl. Who's my cutie?" I ask, her tail beginning to wag faster from side to side. She sniffs the air and then nudges me with her nose. I put my hand on top of her head, gently petting her ears.

The microwave beeps, which makes Crystal go nuts. She starts going in circles and prancing, which makes me chuckle because it only means that she's hungry, "Don't worry, girl. I'll get you something to eat." While I let my food sit in the microwave, I reach under the sink to take out the bag of her food. I grab her bowl and use the scooper in said bag of dogfood to pour some to her liking. I set it on the floor and she goes to it immediately. I then make sure she has fresh water before I grab my own food and begin eating.

After I've eaten, I decide that it's time she and I take a shower, then go to bed. She follows me to the bathroom after slurping up a good amount of her water; her claws make clicking sounds against the tile as she trots behind me. I close the door and she hops into the spacious tub before I can even turn the water on.

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