5 - Morning, Sleeping Beauty

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I sit there for a few minutes, the dream I had last night still playing in my mind on repeat as I stare off into the distance. Crystal nudges me with her snout, which makes me snap myself out of it. I give her a pat on the head before getting up to go to the bathroom.

After taking another quick shower to rinse myself off, I quickly get dressed in one of my more casual business attires, the shirt and tight pants hugging my womanly curves lovingly. I run a brush through my hair to remove the knots and tangles before fastening it into a high ponytail that cascades down my back.

Crystal lays her head on my lap around 8:15 when she and I are out in the front room waiting for 47 to come get me. She whines as I start scratching her ears, "Don't fret, Crystal." I say soothingly, trying to keep her calm. "Mom will drop by periodically to feed you, okay? I won't be gone long and I promise I'll come home as soon as the job is done." The snort she gives me says that she doesn't believe me. "Look, it's important that I do this job, Crystal, okay? If I could, I'd blow it off, but I can't. You understand that, don't you?" I continue to softly stroke her fur, and she nuzzles into my lap.

Nine o'clock shows up, and right on the money, I look outside my window to see a black Sudan outside. The windows are dark, but not dark enough that I can't see 47 sitting behind the steering wheel. Thank goodness I gave him my address beforehand, right? I get up from the couch and Crystal is hesitant to remove her head from my lap, but I can tell by the way her ears are raised that she knows there's someone outside. She gives that little half-bark, like she's not sure whether she should go on the attack or not.

"Easy, girl, it's just my partner." I give her one good kiss on the nose before I grab all that I need and head outside to where 47 is waiting for me in the car. When I step outside, I notice that he's not in the car, but instead leaned against it. He opens the trunk when I'm out there and I put my bags into said trunk. He opens the door for me and I can't help but smile.

"Thank you, you're such a gentleman." I say, winking at him. He gives me the same expression that he probably gives everyone and I just climb into the car. He closes the door before he gets back behind the wheel, starting up the car before pulling out of my driveway. I make sure to text my Mom, letting her know where the house key, Crystal's food, and all that is. Just a precaution.

It's silent in the car for a few minutes until I manage to fight back my anxiety and turn on the radio to a station that I normally like to listen to. He doesn't seem to mind the sound of the music, so that makes things a bit better and. . . .less awkward, I suppose.

I give him a sideways glance while my foot taps itself to the beat of the song. His eyes are fixated on the road, but I think he knows that I'm watching him; I have this distinct feeling in the back of my mind. I can't get over the very vivid dream I had of the man, and it makes me see him from a different perspective. At first glance, he doesn't seem like the type to do that kind of stuff, then again, we all have secrets hidden deep within us.

When I feel my cheeks burn hot again, I make myself look away from him and occupy my time staring out of the window while we drive back to the Agency, where a private jet is waiting for us. My mind drifts off when my eyes drift closed, and my brain can't help but make me wonder what it would be like to be taken by this man.

I release myself onto his fingers, collapsing in a heap of panting moans beneath him as that area convulses from the intense feeling. He continues the thrusting of his fingers slowly before pulling them out of me. I draw in deep breaths and try to regain my composure, but stars and a heavy mist cloud my mind. It takes a moment for me to finally come down off of cloud nine.

When he removes his fingers, his hand grips the fabric of my panties, and he very slowly pulls them down my legs until they're off of me completely. This makes the blush across my cheeks deepen. I turn my head to the side and curl my fingers over my mouth.

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