14 - A Promising Morning

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I lie in bed, tossing and turning for the next two hours before I finally just give up and toss the covers off of myself. It's apparent that I'm not going to be getting anymore sleep, so I sigh in defeat when I look at my phone to see that it's already five o'clock in the morning. Crystal pokes her head out of the blanket and looks at me with half-asleep, half-awake eyes. I smile at her, giving her a gentle pat on the snout.

"Good morning, Crystal." I murmur to her softly as I rub the tiredness from my eyes. As I sit up and stretch myself out, Crystal does the same thing, extending her front paws outward while she lifts her backside into the air to pop her back. She then shakes her head, her big ears flopping around humorously as she does so. "Let's have a good day today, alright?" I kiss her on the forehead.

My legs toss themselves over the edge of the bed and I let out a pretty loud yawn. To be honest, I'm really surprised that I didn't have any nightmares at all last night. I mean, it wasn't exactly a nightmare when Michael was replaced by 47 was it?

When Crystal nudges my back with her snout, I am immediately able to tell that she is hungry. After taking a moment to get myself fully awake and not wanting to go back to sleep, I fix the nightgown so that it covers everything modest, and then I get up from where I was sitting on the bed. Crystal gets up as well, hopping off the side so that I'm able to fix the sheets and the comforter. I grab my phone off of its charger, then the two of us exit the room and walk down the hallway to the kitchen near the living and dining rooms.

While I pull her food out of one of the cabinets, she awaits patiently by her food dish for me to fill it up with the delicious goodies. Her tail wags and her lips visibly water as I pour the two cups of food into her dish. She seems to be giving me a smile, and "thanks" me before diving right into munching on her food. I watch her with a smile before deciding that I should probably eat something as well. I'm not exactly hungry at the moment, but I'm going to need my strength for the day.

I strut across the cool linoleum of the kitchen floor, making my way toward the fridge on the other side of this kitchen. When I open the door, I pull out two eggs and the butter for toast later on. I set the eggs and the butter on the counter before walking over to the pantry, grabbing a can of corned beef hash and a loaf of bread. Those items are then set on the counter next to the butter and eggs. Next, I pull two small pans out of the cupboard and place them on the stove, coating the bottom of each pan with oil before turning the heat to a medium. Then, I grab a piece of bread and pop it in the toaster, sitting back for a minute to allow my frying pans to heat themselves up. They do so after a moment and I fry both of the eggs in one pan, while frying the corned beef hash in the other. For once, the smell of the food actually makes my mouth water.

Just as I flip the eggs to cook the other side, I can hear my telephone ringing from where I placed it on the countertop near the carving knives. With the spatula still in my right hand, I walk over to my phone and pick it up.

Sliding the answer button, I hold the phone to my ear and speak, "Hello?" While I'm busy cooking my breakfast still, I use my cheek and my shoulder to keep the phone held to my ear.

"Do you have a minute?" 47's voice comes from the other side of the line. I shudder for whatever reason when I hear his husky voice.

"Sure, actually. What's up?" I say just before squeaking when hot oil from the hash pops at me. My cheeks flush as I plate the eggs and said hash, because I already know that he more than likely heard me squeak.

"Meet me down the block in an hour." He says, his voice hinting at something. What it is, though, I couldn't tell you.

"Uh. . . Sure, okay." A very small smile plays itself across my lips. "I'll meet you there."

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