13 - Reoccurring Nighttime Fantasies

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When 47 drops me off back home, I slump into the wool cushions of my couch and let out an audible sigh. My heart warms a little on the inside when I can hear Crystal's little tip-tapping against the tile as she trots down the hallway, in the direction of where I'm sitting at in the living room. Her nose brushes against my hand briefly before she jumps onto the cushion next to me, her head nudging into my shoulder.

"Hey girl, how are you?" I ask and pet her behind her floppy ears. She pushes at my forearm with her nose, which is something she always does when she wants to ask me what's wrong. "It's nothing, Crystal, I promise." When she snorts at me, I frown, because I already know that she doesn't buy my story. What a smart dog she is.

With a sigh of defeat, I just wrap my arms around her fuzzy neck, and bury my face deep into her soft fur. She nuzzles my neck, her cold nose tickling the skin. My fingers take their time in stroking the fur around her neck slowly, using the softness of it to comfort myself. Ever since I got Crystal when she was just a puppy, I've been able to make myself feel better with her. In many ways, she helps me through my darkest times.

After a moment, I gently push Crystal away, deciding that it's time to shower again before we go to bed. It's been one hell of a week, but Heather is safe, and no one is ever going to hurt her again; not while I am still living and breathing.

I get myself up off of the couch and, as I walk down the hallway to the bedroom, Crystal follows closely behind me - like she usually does. She waits patiently for me by the door while I rummage through the closet to find a nightgown and some underwear to sleep in for the night. After finding what I need, I walk back over to Crystal, who practically prances to the bathroom. I let out a chuckle and follow behind her. She nudges the ajar door fully open with her snout, then stands on her hind legs in the darkness and also uses her snout to flick on the light. It still amazes me how incredibly intelligent this Great Dane is.

I step into the bathroom and shut the door behind me before I make quick work at undressing myself. Crystal waits for me to take off her collar before she hops into the tub, her tail wagging gently back and forth across the tub's floor. After setting my clean clothes down on the counter, I strut over to the tub and turn on the water to a comfortable temperature that both Crystal and I can enjoy. This time, though, I'm not in the mood to take a bubble bath. A nice, hot shower will do it for me.

I put my hand under the faucet to make sure that it's just right before I pull the little knob that moves the water from the faucet to the showerhead. Crystal sticks her head underneath the hot, running water, and I allow her to soak herself up first before I climb into the tub with her. I let out a soft moan as the hot liquid cascades down my body, washing away all the hardships of the last week and a half. I close my eyes briefly to enjoy the moment, but they snap back open when a picture of Michael and his piercing, emerald eyes above me flashes through my brain. My body shudders and, despite the hotness of the water, I can feel goosebumps form along every inch of my skin. I pick up a washcloth and scrub my skin until it's red - especially the innermost and outermost parts of my thighs.

Crystal whines at me, and I realize what I've done to my legs and stomach: red scratches from scrubbing the cloth too hard adorn my skin. She nudges the abs on my bare stomach with her snout before she puts one of her front paws on my hand with the cloth in it, making it obvious that she wants me to stop scrubbing so hard. An exasperated breath escapes from my lips and I have to choke back tears. Why can't I stop crying today?

"It's okay, Crystal. . ." I mutter and pat the soft, wet fur on top of her head. My smile is soft and weak, and to be honest, I'm not even sure if I'm actually smiling.

Crystal and I get on with our shower shortly after I regain my composure. I take my time in using my hands to thoroughly scrub her fur with her dog shampoo, making sure I wash out all of the guck and grime she tends to pick up. Then, I wash and condition my own hair before giving myself another gentle scrub with some shower gel. While I'm doing that, Crystal sits herself underneath the water streaming from the showerhead so she can rinse herself off. I can feel her watching me carefully - intently - as she does so, and it makes me warm on the inside at how much this pooch of mine cares about me.

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