Who is Red X (revamped)

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                      ~Raven's POV~
       Well Yesterday was great..... NOT! It was the absolute worst day ever! Cyborg and Beastboy was arguing all day because Cyborg accused Beastboy of peeing on the T-Car, which I believe he did too. And of course Beastboy denied it. Starfire was crying because she couldn't find Silkie even though I bet he is most likely in Beastboy's dirty laundry, because he likes it for some odd reason. And Robin was obsessing over Slade! And to top it off,  we got to face the mysterious Red X that night. After four whole years we still do not know who he is to this day. He was robbing a government science lab as usual, trying to steal some equipment to upgrade the suit. But unfortunately he had some new tricks up his selve and defeated us easily. I hate to admit but he is good, too good to be exact. And of course Robin was mad as hell. Which cause him to bitch and moan at the four us! He stayed up all night trying to get a lead on Red X. Hopefully he does so we can bring him down once and for all.

~Robin's POV~
Three nights and two days was how long I did not get any sleep whatsoever, because I was busy doing research on Red X. But those endless nights of no sleep are going to be worth it. Because I think I finally found something! I stop searching things about science labs and other stuff that he seems to be interested in because that is where he always steal from. Instead I began to look at some colleges. He has to have some type of other life instead of a life of crime right? He acts around our age so I'm assuming he is and is going to college maybe. So let me just look up Jump City University. I searched for all of the boys who was in their sophomore year of college. I looked at over a hundred profiles. I was getting so frustrated because I didn't find anything yet so I was about to quit looking. But then I finally got to one boy. Jason Xavier....... black hair, green eyes, twenty years old. He looks like a normal guy but I found something that interested me. He was the son of Thomas Xavier, a famous businessman who run a lot of companies in Jump City. Not only that he appears to be a delinquent. It's doesn't say why he is one, it just has it there. Hmm weird. I think I found him! I think I finally found out who Red X is! "Jason Xavier, you better hope I'm wrong about this because if not your in a world of trouble!" I said to myself while still looking at his picture. I cannot wait to tell the others about this.


~Robin's POV~
For the first time in a couple of days I got some sleep. I was so excited to tell the other about the suspect, I couldn't wait! I wash and got dressed. Then I grab my laptop and the suspect's files. I ran down to the front room to see the four of them doing their normal activitites. They weren't paying attention to me so I cleared my throats to get their attention. They all looked at me surprised that I finally left my room. "Friend Robin! You are out of your room!!!!" Starfire said as she came up to me and gave a big hug I laugh. "So Robin, your out of your room. Does that me you found something?" Beastboy ask. "Yes Beastboy I did! And it's good! I believe I found our suspect!" I said as I walk over to the TV and hooked my laptop to it so it can connect. I went back to Jason Xavier's picture. I pointed at the picture "This is Jason Xavier aka Red X!" Everyone except me gasp. "He's just a normal guy!" Cyborg said "Are you absolutely sure this could actually be the real Red X, Robin?" Raven ask. "Yes I'm sure it is! He has every single suspension that he could be Red X! As you can see it says that he is and has been a delinquent since he was sixteen years old! And how long have we been fighting Red X?" "Four years." Said Starfire. "Exactly! Not only that, it doesn't say why or how he is one, it's just blank! But look his father is no one other than Thomas Xavier, a very rich businessman in Jump City. So probably his dad payed off some people to have certain files cleared". "I can't believe it you finally found Red X!!" Cyborg said shocked. I smiled because of how impressed they are, like did they forget that I am a detective after all? "Okay now who wants to be a undercover college student at Jump City University to spy on Jason Xavier, so we can be absolutely sure about him being Red X?" I ask them. Everyone went quiet for a few minutes. I sighed "Come on you guys one of us have to go undercover! So who is it going to be?" I already had one person in mind who I absolutely wanted to go, but I was going to let them decide first. "Not me! Remembered what happened last time when I went undercover to get the Hive!" Cyborg said. "I can't go, because the Red X creeps me the out and you do always say that he has the 'hots' for me?" Starfire said. I rolled my eyes at that last part. "I can't got because I'll mess up! And Raven definitely can't go because she'll send someone to another dimension!" Beastboy said answering for him and Raven. "Why can't you just go Robin?" Raven ask me with her arms cross. "I don't know how but Red X knows me. And I think he actually knows me personally. If I go he'll already know our plan and then everything will be ruined!!! And I don't want that to happen! We have been fighting Red X for too long! It's time we find out who he is and stop him for good!" I said. "Okay fine you have a point! So who is going to go on this so called mission?" Raven ask. "Funny you should ask Raven. Because I actually want you to go!" Once I said that everyone turned over to look at Raven to see how was she going to react. "No!" She said. "Raven you have to!" I said. "I don't have to do a damn thing! I'm not doing it! Make Beastboy or Starfire doing it! Because I'm not!!" She yelled. "Raven I thought long and hard about this out of all of us you are the best choice for this job!" I said. "How!?!?" "Your smart enough to not mess it up and blow your cover, you won't get distracted so easily, Red X doesn't seems to know you that well, and not only that your a very attractive female that can catch his attention. Do I need to add more?" I said smirking. She rolled her eyes. "Fine I'll do it! But I swear Robin if anything bad happens it will be your fault!!" She said as she walked anyway. "Good! You'll start college Monday!" I yelled as she walked off.

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