The Escape (revamped)

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                            ~Raven's POV~
     Robin put handcuffs on Jason. Then they started walking away with him. I started to panic. This was it they're going to take him to prison and send him anyway from me! I had to stop them, but I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to hurt my friends and Jason. Even though, I don't want to betray any of them, no matter what I do I will betray one or the other. If I save Jason, I will betray my team. But if I don't save Jason, I'll betray him. WHAT SHOULD I DO!?!?!?!!??! I took a deep breath and then decided what I should do. "Azarath Metrion Zhinthos!" I quickly teleported Jason out of the handcuffs and brought him next to me. Everyone look at me in surprise. "Raven, don't you even dare!" Robin yelled at me, he knew exactly what I was about to do next. Before him and the others could get any closer to Jason and I. I teleported Jason, Skylar, Cassdi, Dylan and I away to Jason's house so we could escape. Once we got there they all looked at me. "What just happened?" Dylan ask. "I may have teleported us to Jason's house so we could escape". I started rubbing my arm, I was extremely nervous. They kept on looking at me not saying a word. Did they hate me? Do they still like me and want to still be friends? Will Jason still like me after this. That last part kept on going through my mind the most. That was they main thing I was nervous about. And the silence was not helping my nerves whatsoever. I think Jason saw how nervous I was because he walked up to me and held my hand. Then to my surprise he kissed me!!!! I smiled "I thought you hated me?" I said. "First I never said I did and secondly how could I Raven! You are my sunshine after all!" He said. "Woah woah woah! What the hell Jason! You're forgiving her!?!? Are you insane!? She have been lying to you! To us! For weeks! And for what!? So she can go back to her hero friends at the end of the day and tell them our secrets to use it against us!? She pretended to be someone else, pretended to be our friend and who knows she was probably even pretending to like you just to catch you off guard!" Skylar said angrily. "Listen Skylar, I understand how you feel. But I fully trust Raven with my life. Yes I knew since day one who she was-" "YOU DID!?!?!?" Everyone except Jason said cutting him off. "I'm not that stupid! I knew it was her because no one I ever met has perfect pale skin like Raven's. Plus when I kissed her the first time then kissed her when she was pretending to be Rachel, I knew I was right! Plus, I bet you Robin was forcing her to go undercover anyway" Jason said. I was extremely shock on how he was defending me against Skylar. I was also shock, how he knew me so much, that had truly showed me how much he cares about me! "But what if-" Skylar started. I rolled my eyes, he started to get on my last nerves. "If you still don't trust me. I'll prove it to you!" Everyone got quite. I grab my communicator and called Robin. "Why are you calling him!?!?" Cass ask. "You'll see" I said. After a couple of seconds, he had answer. "Raven!?!? Where in the hell are you? Where is Red X?" He yelled. His face was extremely red and it looked like he was going to explode from being so angry at what I've done. I rolled my eyes "We're somewhere where you won't find us and never will find us Robin" I responded to his questions. "Raven!!! You are a hero! You are a Titan! You just cannot hang out with the enemy nor have a relationship with him!!! So I'm going to ask you one more time, where is Red X!!"He said. I look at Jason then sighed "Robin, I'm sorry to say this but, I quit!" Everyone gasp and Robin was silent for once. "I don't want to be a Teen Titan anymore. Especially if being a Titan means I can't be with Jason, who I love a lot!" "Raven wait-" before Robin could finish his sentence I hang up on him. I then broke my communicator with my powers. "Woah". Said Dylan shocked just like the others. "Well That was savage" Cass said, making all of us laugh. "So you're actually quitting the Titans, Sunshine?" Jason ask. I nod "I meant every single word that I said to Robin just now. If they won't let me be with you than I won't be on the team anymore!" I gave him a quick kiss and smiled, he held my hand tightly. I knew I made the right decision.

~Robin's POV~
I hit the table extremely hard "DAMNIT!!!!!" I yelled. I was furious! "What in the hell is wrong with her!?!?! Is she out of her damn mind!?!?!?!" I started to punch the wall. Starfire, Cyborg and Beastboy ran up to me. "Friend Robin, please do the calming down!" Starfire said. I screamed out of anger, which cause the three of them to jump. "How dare she do this to us!?!? I swear I'll bring Red X down if it's the last thing I do!!!!". "Chill dude, you're scaring us!" Beastboy said. "Robin, I promise we'll find him and Raven. But right now let them be,
You need to seriously calm down" Cyborg said. "Don't tell me to calm down!!! I'll calm down once he is lock up far far away!!!!!!!!! And Raven will go to jail with him for helping him escape" once I said that about Raven the three of them gasp. "But-" "No buts! End of discussion! Raven knee exactly what was going to happen if she did this and she did it anyway!!!!" They were silent, I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room. "She will regret this..."

Finally finish with this revamp!!!!!!! Next update might be either five revamp chapters of "The Accident" or the last few chapters of "Night of the Titans" THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR BEING PATIENT WITH ME LOVE YOU!!!!

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