School Day(revamped)

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~Raven's POV~
          I stayed up all thinking about Red X and that kiss. I kept on asking me the same questions over and over again, like 'why did he kiss me?' 'does he likes me or something like that?' 'why did I kiss him back? 'did I like him?' "do I have a crush on the infamous Red X?' But at the end of the day I already know that it wouldn't work out. I am a hero and he is a villain, the bad guy. It would never work out, even if something were to happen. Not only that the team would be so disappointed in me, and that never happens! I do not like Red X! And I never will!!!!! It was already four in the morning. So I decided to go to sleep. Because today is going to be a long day.

In the morning: (still Raven's POV)
       I woke up only getting five hours asleep. I started to rub my eyes because I was still very tired, but I had to get up because the others are planing on giving me a makeover for the mission. And I was not looking forward to it at all!!! I didn't want to dress up and now I don't even want to go near Red X at all! Especially after what happened last night. I started to blush after thinking about that kiss... "Damnit! I need to stop thinking about it!" I said to myself, while face palming myself. But I knew good and well that I wouldn't be able to stop because for the next few days or weeks I will just be obsessing over Red X! I just hope that what happened last night won't affect the mission. But then again it might. I sighed and then went to the bathroom to wash up and get dress for the day.

~Robin's POV~
Cyborg, Beastboy, Starfire and I were all sitting down in the front room waiting on Raven to come out of her room so we can get started. She finally came downstairs and sat next to Beastboy. "Okay now that we're all here let's go over the plan for today! Okay so Beastboy and Starfire you two will be taking Raven to the mall to get some outfits and to get her hair done. While Cyborg and I get her registered at Jump City University and get her a fake ID". I said. "Wait aren't you suppose to go over some more files with me?" Raven ask. "I tried looking up on Jason Xavier and Thomas Xavier, couldn't find anything else beside what we already knew. I even tried to relook up his mother, but there wasn't anything about her at all. They're hiding something and I know it! Whatever it is, it has to be bad". Cyborg said. "And even if Jason Xavier isn't Red X, you still need to investigate on him. Just like Cyborg said both him and his father are hiding something and we have to get to the bottom of it!" Raven nodded. Then she teleported her, Starfire and Beastboy to the mall. Leaving Cyborg and I to do our part.

~Starfire's POV~
Raven teleported us to the mall after Robin had told us the plan for the day. "Okay so where should we go first?" Raven ask. "You should get your hair done last so we should go shopping first! So let's go to Hot Topic and Spencer's! That seems like somewhere you would shop at!" Beastboy said. "Actually that's not a bad idea Beastboy! Yeah let's go there!" Raven said. He began to smile, Then he grab mine and Raven's hand and lead us over to the two stores. We picked out a lot of cute outfits for Raven! Most of the time we did argue about how revealing the clothing was, but then I would make a sad face and she'll change her mind about it! It was so much fun!!! We paid for everything and almost had at least seven bags full of clothes for Raven so now that means it's time to go to the hair solan! "Now it's time to go get your hair done Raven!! So Robin suggested that we should dye your hair black and add some hair extensions so your hair can be longer! Oh and we need to pick up some blue contacts afterwards!" I said. "Okay but Robin didn't tell me anything about getting hair extensions!" Raven said with her arms crossed. "Red X already know how you look. He knows that you have short violet hair and violet eyes. So we have to change everything so he won't recognize you at all" Beastboy said. She rolled her eyes, then nodded. We went to to hair solan. It's been two hours since we got here, Beastboy and I was sitting down both reading magazines waiting on Raven. After a few more minutes she was finish. "Okay I'm finally done with my my hair. So how do I look?" She said. Even thought all they did was dye it and add extensions, she still looked very different, but it was a good different. Black hair really looks good on her. "You look amazing Raven!" "Yeah you look hot mama! We should leave and get the contacts, it's already six o'clock and Raven has to go to bed early for the big day tomorrow" Beastboy said laughing some while Raven rolled her eyes at his comment. We got the contacts and then Raven teleported us home.

~Cyborg's POV~
While Raven, Starfire, and Beastboy were shopping, Robin and I was enrolling Raven at Jump City University. "Okay we need to make Raven have all her classes with Jason Xavier" Robin said. "We can't make her have all of the same classes with him!" I said. "And why not!?" "Because if we do, it's going to seem suspicious. If this dude is Red X, he'll notice something and the mission will fail". Robin sighed "Yeah you're right. So what should we do?" He ask "Okay so everyone only have four classes a day, so we should make Raven have at least two classes and lunch with Jason Xavier. So he won't get suspicious and Raven will see him half of the day" he started to think "Hmm that's actually a very good idea, Cyborg!" While we were finishing up everything, Raven, Starfire, and Beastboy finally came home. "We back dudes!" We heard Beastboy said. Robin and I both turned around to see Raven looking completely different. "Woah!" Him and I both said surprise. She rolled her eyes "I know that I look different! So shut up!" She said with her arms crossed. "Yeah sorry" "Well we already enrolled you and we also have your class schedule! You have your first class, which is Math, with Jason Xavier. You also have lunch with him. And then you have your last class with him, which is History! I was going to make you have every single class with him, but Cyborg said he'll get suspicious so we changed it" Robin said while handling her the schedule. "You should go get some rest now Raven. You have a big day tomorrow! It's the first day of school for you!!" I said. She rolled her eyes "Great......." she said sarcastically. We all laugh. And then headed to our rooms. I just hope Raven does good on this undercover mission. I know how tempting things could be when your undercover.

The next day
                       ~Raven's POV~
      It was six o'clock in the morning and I was looking at my mirror, the one that I can go into Nevermore in. I was nervous, but I didn't show it at all. I didn't want the others to know. If they found out that I was nervous, I might just yell out that I kissed Red X. But lucky they didn't figure nothing out. I really shouldn't be nervous, mostly because we really don't know if this so called Jason Xavier was actually Red X. But what if he is............ I just kept on thinking and thinking about the what ifs. And then my alarm clock ring, interrupting my thinking session. I was annoyed but yet happy to get out of my over thinking. I got out and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I turned the shower on hot and took my clothes off. The shower was also a good place for me to think in the tower besides my room and the rooftop. As the hot water droplets got on my skin, I started to get lost in thought. I have to, wait no I NEED TO talk to Red X about that kiss. I really did. I'm not going to ask Jason Xavier, because that would risk everything, so I have to ask Red X whenever we fight him again and I'm not looking forward to it all. I was finish washing so I turned of the shower. And put on some black tights with a white crop top and high knee black boots. I put on some black eyeshadow that starfire gave me, I then curled my hair some. When I was finish getting dress I put on my blue contacts, grab my book bag and went downstairs. Everyone was downstairs in their pajamas waiting on me. "Woah!" Beastboy said very loudly, I blush some. "You look cute Raven and I love your new clothes!" starfire said. "Looking good Raven!" Cyborg said. "you look very nice Raven, but we can't have you late on your first day! Here's a ear piece. You will be able to talk to us just by pressing the button on the side and we will be able to talk back to you! But only use this for important reasons!" Robin said as he handed me the ear piece. I put it on then wave at them, while they wished me good luck. I teleported to the college. I was outside of the college. I took a deep breath than walked inside. I went to the principal's office to get my schedule. She walked me over to my first class which is math. We walked inside the classroom. The principal talked to the teaching for a few seconds then left. The teacher looked at me with a kind smile "Hello Rachel! I'm Ms. Adams and I will be your math teacher for the school year!" she put her hand out so I could shake it. I shook her hand and then said "Good morning Ms. Adams!" she smiled again then turned to the other students. "Okay class, so we have a new student with us today!!! Her name is Rachel and I want all of y'all to treat her with kindness and respect! Now Rachel if you don't mind I want you to sit in the back beside Jason". She pointed yo the back, where Jason Xavier was sitting. it was just my luck that I got to sit next to him. as I walked to the back of the classroom I could feel that a lot of people was staring at me, but I didn't care I just focus on Jason Xavier. I finally got to the seat and sat down. I turned to Jason and smiled at him. "Hi! I'm Rachel, Rachel Roth!" I said holding my hand out so he can shake it. He took my hand and kissed it, I was blushing really hard now. "I'm Jason, Jason Xavier!"

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