mystery girl

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chapter 1

chapter 1

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"Hey mama." I say as I kiss my mom's head. She smiles and I can see her smile lines. Her eyes were sparkling with tears.

"Mom. Come on. It's the first day of school, it's not that important." I say to her.

"It's just, I'm so proud of you baby. I raised you by myself and look at you! You're 18 and you're in one of the most prestigious schools in America!" She cries, salty tears dripping down her soft face.

I sigh and I kiss her hands.

"Mom stop. You know how much you mean to me, and seeing you cry- I just ugh." I say shaking my head. I hated seeing her cry.

"Look Mom. You're my everything. I'll always be here for you, even when I'm old and wrinkly and even when I have grey hairs. Got it? But right now, I need to go otherwise I'll  be late. I love you Mama." I say as I pull her in for a hug.

She hugs me back just as tightly, and I can feel her tears on my shirt. I smile to myself and finally let her go.

"I'll see you later Mom." I say as I exit. I take a deep breathe. Hello cruel world.

I start to speed walk as I realise I have 10 minutes. I need to go to the library to get some books before class.

As I enter the school I can see the boys staring at me. They always bully me. I walk along as quick as I can.

I can hear everyone laughing and giggling at me. I hate this school. But I need it. I need it to get a good job and to look after mom and I.

As soon as I close my locker, everyone goes silent and I hear a slam. Whoever just came in, is gonna get in trouble for slamming the front door.

I turn around and see a small girl, holding her blue backpack. I've never seen her before. Her long, dark coloured locks fall onto her back like a waterfall. Her green eyes stare daggers at everyone.

James - the schools player - let's out a wolf whistle. He disgusts me, but being the boy he is he can get any girl. This girl will probably suck up to him like all of the other attention seekers in this school. She turns towards him and smirks. James' jaw drops to the ground.

"Oh hey Lincoln." She says to him. Lincoln? What. Maybe she confused him for someone else. But as soon as mystery girl says that, James shuts up.

She rolls her eyes and walks ahead. She oozes confidence and beauty.

Mystery girl suddenly gets a message of some sort and checks her phone.

She's so distracted by it that she doesn't see me there.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you." She rambles on. She has such an intoxicating British accent that I didn't hear before.

"Oh uh yeah sure. I'll see you around." I say to her before walking away. I don't need her. I can't have a distraction in my life.

"No, please wait. Do you know where the headteacher's office is?" She asks running up to me.

"Headteacher? Oh! Principal's office. Sure, you go straight down and you take a left. The door should be right there." I say quickly before turning away.

"Oh uh thanks, I guess." She says shyly. I smile at her and I entire the library. She probably uses her dads money to come here, but then again so does everyone else.

Everyone else but me.

But why did I want to know her so badly?

Pft, she probably wouldn't even want to be friends with a loser like me.

Ugh, what have you done to me mystery girl?


"Mrs Brown?" I say as I knock on the door. She looks up at me and smiles at me.

"Agh, Miss.Christou!" She said. Yet another person who cant pronounce my surname.

"Come in, take a seat." She says warmly. I enter her cozy office and take a seat.

"First of all, welcome! I hope you have an amazing time here. Anyways, I'll be giving you a guide for this entire week." She says before turning on the speaker.

"Ezra Lockhart report to the Principals office at once. I repeat, Ezra Lockhart report to the Principals office at once." She closes the speakers and gives me my timetable.

"Here is your timetable sweetie. Many of your classes are with Ezra. He is a very smart and intelligent young man, so I'm trusting you with him." She says to me. I open my mouth to speak, but I get interrupted by the knock on the door.

"Mrs.Brown? You wanted to see me?" Says a voice nervously. He probably thinks he's in trouble. I laugh at my stupid thoughts and I realise that I probably look crazy.

I gulp and look up at Ezra. I remember his face from somewh- oh right! He's the boy from earlier. The kinda nice, non-douchey one.

His hazel eyes were filled with worry. I suddenly feel really guilty.

"Take a seat Mr.Lockhart." Mrs.Brown says. I give him half a smile and I look at him even closer. His dirty blonde hair is cut into a bowl cut and he has thick caterpillar eyebrows. I am such a bitch. I laugh at myself again. I like this guy. He seems nice.

"You wanted to see me Mrs.Brown?" He says before looking at me again. He has one of his caterpillars raised up and it makes me laugh even more. I am so mean.

He chuckles and gives me an awkward wave. I wave back at him and pull out a face at him when Mrs.Brown wasn't looking.

"Ezra?" She says.

"Hmm?" He asks.

"You're going to be Mira's guide for the week. You both have very similar classes and I want you to look after her, just in case she gets lost" Mrs.Brown says.

Ezra's eyes look like they were about to pop out of their sockets. He had this mortified look on his face and he started to cough.

I stood up and hit his back really hard and I hit it over and over again. Hey, I just wanted to help but all it did was make him cough even more.

Oh and that his face went red. Bright red.

Bless him. He's so cu-

"No. I'm not guiding her Mrs.Brown." He says sternly.

Maybe not then.


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Anyways how are y'all doing?

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter!

qotd: do you think that Mira is a bitch? lol I do and I love her.

remember to vote,comment and share!

ily all sm ♡


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