big bad wolf

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"I'm talking to you, hello? Are you blind? Do you need fucking glasses?" I ask the tall boy in front of me.

Instead of talking he smirks, and comes up close to my face.

"Look at you Mira. All grown up. You pretty little thing." He says to me. I can smell his stinking breathe.

"Dude, what the hell have you eaten? Your breath smells like stale hot dogs I'm not even joking." I say to him, scrunching my face.

He itches his head in a really confused way and avoids all eye contact.

I laugh at him. He is so predictable.

"Listen here stale breathe. If you ever come near me or Ezra ever again, I will sue you. No, in fact, I'll kill you. Do you understand? Lincoln,we have a lot of history, don't make me tell everyone all of your dirty little secrets. Ok? Ta honey. Oh, and Linc? Here, have a piece of gum for your breathe." I say, smiling innocently.

As soon as I turned around, I walked out. I couldn't stand seeing his face.

Why was he here? Why why why did I even choose to come here?

"Hey Mira! Wait up. Please." I hear a squeaky voice behind me.

I automatically smile and slow down a bit.

"Yes Caterpillar?" I ask him.

"Where are you going?" He asks me in panic.

"A little thank you would've been nice, but I'm going home." I say, getting frustrated.

"You can't Mira! They'll tell you off." Ezra pleads. I laugh at him. He sounds so desperate. What a goody two shoes.

"I can and I will. I can't stand being here with him. I-i need to go." I say as I run off. I can't do it. If I stayed, i'd do something that I'd regret later on.

I go 'home' and I run straight up to my bedroom. I get angry  as soon as memories of Lincoln flash into my head.

Why had I done all the things that I had done?

"Mira?" I hear a girl saying. I look down at my younger sister.

"Why are you sad Mira?" She says running up to me.

"I'm not Autumn, I promise." I say to her. She may be 13, but she understands everything.

"You can't fool me silly. I'm your best friend. I'm your sister. I know you better that anyone else." She says placing her blonde hair on my shoulder. Her hazelnut eyes look up at me. She smiles and hugs me tighter.

"Hey, first of all missy, just because I'm sad it doesn't mean that I'm not going to tell you off. Why aren't you at school?" I say to her while I clench my fists.

"I um, I felt sick." She says, not sure of her answer. I don't push her just in case she's having boy problems.

"Hey have I ever told you how much you look like mum?" I say to her.

"All the friggin time Mira." She says, smiling.

"I'm so tired." She says yawning.

"Bed time story?" I plead.

"I'm not a baby any more Mira." She says rolling her eyes. But I know that deep down she would really want one, she really wants to be comforted.

"Hey come put your head on my lap Sunshine." I say to her as I move up. She places her golden locks on my lap and I stroke her hair.

"Once there was a young girl who always used to wear a red coat. One day her mom asked her to take food to her grandma." I say as I look into the distance.

"So little red riding hood went outside and decided to go through the forest instead. It'll be shorter she thought. As she was going she saw that the autumn leaves had fallen onto the ground and the trees were naked. The leaves were all crinkled up and old, but they were coming back. They had a purpose. As soon as they died, new ones would come. The cycle would go on and on. She looked around and started waking ahead. She could hear the leaves cracklings underneath her rustic boots. She smiled as she saw sun setting in the distance. The sky was a rainbow of colours." I say, still stroking Autumns hair.

"But her happiness ended soon. Out of no where, jumped out a big, scary wolf. This wolf had black fur and eerie green eyes that could kill." I say spitefully.

"This wolf would eat anything in its way. It would kill and hurt children. "Hello." The wolf said to the girl. Little red riding hood ignored him. "Why are you ignoring me?" The wolf cried. "Because my mum told me not to talk to strangers." She said, remembering what her mum had told her. "I'm not a stranger. Where are you going?" The wolf asked the naive girl. The girl looked the wolf up and down. "To my nana's house." She said. The wolf nodded and waved goodbye." I said, my back starting to hurt.

"The little girl arrived at her grandmas house later. "Hello Grandma! She said as she walked through the door. "I brought you food" she said. "Grandma why are your ears so big?" She asked curiously. "To hear you better" her grandma told her. "Why are your eyes so big?" She asked, intrigued. "To see better." Her grandma said." I yawned, getting tired.

"Grandma why are your teeth so big? The girl asked. "To eat you better." The wolf cried. Soon the wolf ate the girl. The girl screamed for help, choking on her own tears. But no one could help her. The wolf had eaten her. The wolf had killed her alive. No one could save her. She couldn't get out. She couldn't survive." I say, finally closing my eyes and going to sleep.
Hello my loveliesssss!!!!

How are you?

I hope you're doing well!!!!!!!!!

lol exclamation over load.

But yep, I know the story of little red riding hood wasn't exact, but it's her version. The wolf was her dad. That's who she looks like.

Anyways, did ya like it?

I hope you did bitch!!!

qotd: what's your favourite childhood story?


ily all,

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