Chapter 15 - Exasperation

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Hello fellow readers, recently school had started and things are starting to get hectic and im starting to get busy! I will still try to update regularly like once a week or so, so pls continue to support the story! 

Lots and lots of love for you guys!


15: Exasperation

I stared at myself in the mirror. Whoa, it really looks like Charlotte slapped me harder than I thought. The angry red finger marks were visible on my pale skin and yes, I don’t think ice is going to help.

“Here, the ice.” Ashton broke my thoughts and stood behind me, holding out the

I smiled gratefully and took it, placing the ice over my cheeks. Ouchhhhhh.

I tried hard not to show the pain but Ashton caught the slight frown on my forehead. “It still hurts?”

“A little, I guess.”

“I’m sorry,” Ashton gritted it out. I smirked. Looks like we are both of the same type- we hate to apologise.

“You don’t have to, Charlotte should.”

I followed him out of the toilet and sat on the couch. “I am apologising on my member’s behalf.”

“Still, you should have let me slapped her back.”

“I won’t let you.”

“Why!” I asked, horrified.

“Because she is in my pack, and I take care of all my pack members, Scarlett.” He’s a good Alpha, but still…

“She slapped me,” I stated.

“I already punished her for that.”

I did not expect that. “You did?”

He sighed, “Yes I did.”

“When?” Then I remembered they had mind linked. I scowled when he gave me a what-do-you-think stare.

“I won’t tell you,” he said when he realised I was going to ask him something.

“Dammit,” I cursed.

He shook his head and then left the couch. “We will leave after I shower, get ready.”

I looked down at myself, what is there to prepare when I have nothing to prepare? I laughed to myself and just lay myself on the couch, enjoying the silence.

Ashton showers fast as he descended from the stairs. “Are you ready?”

I jumped at his deep voice and knocked my head to his chin, causing the both of us to hiss in pain.

I turned to look at him. He was rubbing his chin with a scowl on his face. A towel was hung around his neck and he was obviously using it to dry his hair before I knocked onto him because of the still dripping wet hair.

Then I realised he wasn’t wearing a shirt which means his abs were on display. He was only wearing faded jeans. I frowned.

“Wear a shirt.”

“I’m going to,” he rolled his eyes and continued to dry his hair with the towel.

I looked away and stood up, “Yeah, I’m ready.”

I placed the no longer cold ice on the coffee table and walked out of the house, waiting for him. He came out, locking the door behind him. I took the chance to check him out. His hair was still wet and sort of messy but he still look good, wearing a tight tee that fit his body but it suits him perfectly.

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