Chapter 32: Resolution

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32: Resolution

The best thing about waking up next to Ashton was the security.


Not wanting to open my eyes, I kept them shut as I enjoyed the warmth of being so close to him.

Opening my eyes would mean ending this moment.

This moment of being close to him.

Being wrapped by his strong arms and I would have nothing to fear.

But you have a war to face, Scarlett.

You have to avenge Luke’s death.

You have no rights to feel happy.

Opening my eyes, I looked up at Ashton’s face.  To find him already staring at me.

I jolted away in shock, but Ashton’s arm sort of caged me his embrace so I did not move far.

“When did you wake up?”

“Quite some time ago,” he replied.

“Y-you have been staring at me?” I stuttered a little, a blush rising to my cheeks.

“I didn’t want to wake you up.”

“Creep,” I muttered and then lowered my head.

After a moment of silence, he let go of me slowly and I couldn’t help but felt slightly disappointed.

“I’ll go and wash up, you should too. Come down for breakfast later,” he said and then he sat up and left the room.

I groaned and sat up in my bed, sighing.

It’s already Friday. I don’t have any time left to waste.

I need to kill Drew by the end of the week. I need to end this before school starts. The thought of killing someone still scare me, but I hate him enough to do it.

I walked my way to the kitchen to see breakfast already prepared and I sat down opposite Ashton.

“Scarlett, we need to talk.”

“Good, I have something I need to say too.”

He looked at me and nodded, “You first.”

I took in a deep breath and spoke. “I want to kill Drew.”


“Not because I want to help you, and trust me, I do not appreciate being used. But,” I paused. “I’m doing it for Luke.”


I interrupted him again. “I don’t need your fucking help. You know what? Now that I know that you’ve been using me all along, I feel so freaking stupid. I feel so blind.”

He seemed to be at a loss of words.

Ha, mighty Alpha Ashton is at a loss of words.

“Just know that, I’m not helping you to revenge or anything. It’s for Luke.”

I ended the conversation by breaking my stare with Ashton and ate my breakfast.

“My pack will join in, with or without your consent.” He finally spoke and ate his breakfast too.

That afternoon after I finished my breakfast, I went to train.

I trained my ass off, and I delivered punches after punches to the punching bag.

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