Chapter 30: Loss

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Please read the A/N at the end!!

30: Loss

I couldn’t focus anything around me.

All I could see was blood, blood and more blood. Luke fell to the ground with a thud and it brought me back to my senses.

I watched as Drew smirked and he shifted, breaking into a sprint. I could hear shouts – Ashton was shouting orders. Wolves ran after his figure and suddenly I heard it.

His groan.


Oh god.

I knelt down to my knees as I stared at Luke, the blood that was soaking his whole shirt and then I finally moved.

“Luke? Luke, oh my god, oh my god, Luke can you hear me???” I pulled his head up and rest it on my lap with my trembling fingers.

Luke opened his eyes and smiled, “I’m not deaf, don’t shout in my ears…”

“Please, Luke, stay with me. We’ll do something ok?” I started to blabber and without myself knowing, my tears were already blurring my vision.

I wiped them away so that I could see Luke more clearly. He looked like he was in pain.

“Don’t cry, Fire… I don’t want to see you cry.” His voice sounded really weak.

“Don’t- Don’t speak, save your energy for later okay?” I bit on my lip to stop the crying.

“I want to talk to you…”

“We can! Later! We can still do it later!” I was shouting in desperation.

“I’m going to kill that bastard!” I yelled and tried to get up but Luke grabbed my hands.

He shook his head, “Don’t… Don’t go after him, stay with me.”

I got back down slowly, “Okay… I’ll stay with you…”

“Come on, don’t look so sad.” Luke tried to joke.

“Can you stay with me? Please? Don’t leave me,” I pleaded as I clutched his hand tightly.

He took in a deep breath and it looks like each breath for him was getting harder to reach his lungs.

“I have been alive for two hundred plus years, I guess it’s time…”

No! NO! NO LUKE, I DON’T CARE. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE ME YOU IDIOT. You’re a damn vampire; you are supposed to live longer than me!”

“Your voice is hurting me, Fire. I’m dying, but not deaf…”

“No, you’re not going to die… You’re not going to die, Luke… Please…” I sobbed.

“Luke, please, please, for the first time I’m begging you, can’t you listen to me?”

His hands reached up to my face and wiped the tears away gently. “I would love to… Since it’s the first time you ever begged me for a favour, isn’t it?”

“Then do it! Listen to me!” I begged and cupped his face.

He sighed heavily. “I’m so sorry Fire. I really am.”

The tears wouldn’t stop. The blood wouldn’t stop. The heart couldn’t stop breaking.

“Please, I’ll listen to you for as long as you want. Okay? Just don’t-”

“PLEASE, ASHTON. DO SOMETHING!!!” I turned and looked at Ashton. He looked like he was in shock.

When he did not reply, I turned back to Luke.

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