Chapter 47

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I sat secluded in the back of the van, wearing a black hoodie. Then I heard the doors open and 2 familiar voices. I prepared to jump out and surprise them.

"Ah... I miss Hee-young. Though, I don't know how she'll react to the news," he mentioned.

I blushed at the thought of him missing me and my heart palpitated, curious as to what he meant by 'news'. They placed their bags at the back where I was and I came up, surprising them.

"What news?" I asked as I sprung up from my spot.

In an instant, Minghao threw his arms around me. Then, he helped me over to sit beside him. I prompted him again to tell me the news. His expression darkened and he looked at me seriously. It only lasted a few seconds before he broke into a smile.

"Final answer is not a no," he told me

"A yes, you mean?"

"Not a yes either."

I tilted my head in confusion.

"Ok let me explain. After spending time with him and talking to him with help from my mother who spoke to him on the sidelines, he got less against us. He personally apologised for his doings but he would still watch out for us. He said he would promise to let us be as long as nothing is jeopardized. Therefore, he is not against us but he is not definitely supporting us either," he explained.

"I'll take that. I mean, it's progress," I mentioned positively.

I looked over at Jun who had been seated quietly on the other end.

"So Jun! How was your vacation?" I asked him.

He jumped in shock and laughed it off.

"It was good! I got to spend time with my family so I'm happy!" he cheered.

I nodded, acknowledging him and also expressed how thankful I was that the foreign members were allowed to see their family every once in a while.

Once the van reached the dorm building, I gave each of the two boys a hug and Minghao an additional kiss on the cheek before they left. I went back to the company building in the van.


A whopping 3 year time skip~

It was amazing how I went that long without the stylists knowing about my relationship with Minghao. By now, Minghao's father had softened and decided to leave us be seeing that Minghao continued to succeed as an idol. I also managed to request a change to become Seventeen's stylist. I actually vowed to the person-in-charge it was the last time I would switch groups on top of some substantiated reasons.

Today, after the many years, Hoshi and Crystal were getting married. It was definitely a joyous occasion. It was one I had to dress well. I had to pull out a dress I rarely wore. The smooth light pink fabric flowed nicely down to my toes. There was a little slit that went slightly higher than my knee. I painstakingly tied a waterfall braid and let the rest of my pastel pink hair down. Yes, my hair was pink. I was a little braver than before.

I met up with Ji-hae before meeting with Seventeen to head up to see Crystal and escort Hoshi up to see her too. Ji-hae showed up in a pretty decent dressing. She had on a dress that ended at her knees.

"This was the most effective dress to wear for a buffet. I can move quickly and when I eat sitting down, The dress can catch any food that falls. It's also black so stains are not obvious. I got it all planned!" she put up a thumbs up.

I looked down at her footwear and asked about her heels that could slow her down if she wanted to 'move fast'. Apparently, she could run in heels too.

I Will Fight For You (A The8 Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora