Chapter 4- Alot To Think About

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Kasi's pov

I can't believe Jason talked me into getting them a TV. "They'll be stuck in front of the stupid thing all day!" He rolls his eyes. "Man, you know nothing about kids, do you?" I glare at him annoyed. "Oh shut up." "They're good kids. Set rules and they'll follow them." I sigh. The girls get home from school. I'm so worried about them going to public school but now since Patrick left me, I had to get a job. "How was school? Did anyone mess with you?!" I gasp worried. "No! It was great! I love school!" Sierra gasps. "What's that?" Miranda asks, pointing to the stupid TV. I glare at my idiot brother. He turns it on. "Television." "Whoa!" They both say. "I'm on this show called buck commander." I grab his arm. "You aren't showing them hunting, Jason." "They're fine!" "I put my foot down at this! Sierra loves animals and Miranda is squeamish!"

Jason's pov

I'm getting real tired of her crap. "They can watch it. It doesn't matter!" "They're my kids!" Kasi shouts glaring at me. I glare right back at her. "You said you were gonna let them live their lives! When's that gonna start Kasi?!" "I am! You've changed every stupid thing in my.. Their life!" I'm getting pissed. "Maybe this is why Patrick left your dumbass." Oh shit. I didn't mean to let that slip. All three girls stare at me shocked. "Get out." Kasi says. "I didn't mean it, Kasi!" "Get the hell out!" She yells pointing to the door and tearing up. "I'm sorry!" "GO!" Ugh. I reluctantly walk out, worried. What's gonna happen to those poor girls now? "Maybe this is why Patrick didn't want you around them." Kasi snarls in the doorway. I glare at the ground and open my truck door. "Fine! Whatever Kasi! I'm fuckin' done. Be an idiot! Treat those girls like dolls. I don't give a fuck!" I gripe pissed.

*a few days later*

Sierra's pov

After mom made uncle Jason leave, life went back to normal. No TV. No hamburgers. Nothing fun! I hate it! Miranda walks in my room and lays down. "I miss uncle Jason." "Me too." I mumble, fiddling with my jacket zipper. He got me a guitar but mom took it away after he left. Said I could cut myself on the strings. "I hate mom." She says. "I wish she left instead a dad." I sit up. "Well, if dad didn't leave we never would've met him. Dad didn't like him for some reason." "Why? Uncle Jason is awesome!" I sigh and nod. "I want daddy back." She whimpers. I hug her. The door opens and mom stands there! Uh oh. "I don't want to hear either of those names mentioned in this house ever again." She says, angrily. "I hate you! I want Uncle Jay!" Miranda yells, jumping off my bed and clenching her small 7 year old hands. I stare at them worried. "He's a bad influence and your dad was... A very bad man." She says through grit teeth. "Or was he right? Daddy left cause a you!" My little sister yells shocking both me and mom! To my shock, she slaps Miranda in the face who falls to the ground in shock. I jump up and run to my sister. "Miranda?!" She's crying while holding her cheek. I look to mom shocked. She looks horrified. "M-Miranda... I... I'm sorry... I.. I didn't mean to!" I glare at her. "Uncle Jason didn't mean to say what he said but you still made him leave!" I gripe. "Stop it Sierra!" She yells. "Why?!" "You're only ten years old. You can't talk to me like that!" "Go away!" I shout as she walks closer. Miranda buries her face in my shirt and cries. "Girls please! I'm sorry!" "Leave us alone mom!" I shout. Finally she leaves.

Jason's pov

*a couple hours later*

Me and Luke were playing video games. "So you aren't gonna do anything?" "I can't. They aren't my kids. Kasi won't let me near them just like her stupid ex husband was." "What do you mean?" "When they got married, he didn't want me around Kasi and that idiot girl listened to his stupid ass. I don't want to talk about them." "I stink at this damn game." Luke says making me laugh. "I'm ordering a pizza." He says pausing it and standing up. "No siracha this time." I call over my shoulder, relaxing. I get a phone call from an unknown number. I don't answer it of course. Probably a stupid telemarketer or paparazzi asshole who somehow got my number. I glare at the pause TV thinking about the girls. I miss them. I feel so bad for them. I wish I knew what to do. That same number calls me. Ugh. I hate telemarketers. "Hey Luke get me a beer, will ya?" Silence. "Luke?" Still quiet. Weird. "What're you doing, man?" I walk into the kitchen to see the door wide open. "Luke?" I gape confused. I walk outside and he was getting the pizza. "Well... That was fast." I mumble weirded out. My phone rings with that same number again. I glare at my phone annoyed. I answer it this time. Silence on the other end. "Hello? Who-" "Uncle Jason?" I freeze. "S-Sierra?!" I choke out shakily and confused. "H-How... What's... Where's Ka.. I mean... Your mother?!" "We ran away. Mama slapped Miranda in the face." She's crying. "Where are you?" "The g-gas station near our house. Please Uncle Jay, come pick us up." My hands are shaking. "Girls, you can't stay there! Someone might kidnap you!" "Then come get us! Cause we can't go back home!" Shit! "OK but stay hidden til I get there!" I gasp running to my truck. "Dude what're you doing?!" Luke gapes. "No time!" I gasp peeling out of the drive. It takes me about 15 minutes to get there. I run to them and hug them both. "That was so stupid! You could've been hurt!" "Not more than my sister was!" Sierra yells angrily pointing to Miranda. Her cheek is all red. I sigh. "Come on girls." I load them up in my truck. "Don't take us back to mom's!" Miranda whimpers crying quietly. I don't know what to do now. "I'm not but Sierra don't you ever do that again. You could've been kidnapped or run over. You could've been killed." I worriedly get back to my house. "Why did she slap you, honey?" "I... I..." She mumbles, rubbing her arm. "Miranda was mad because she missed you and daddy and mama said she didn't want to hear either of y'all's names and a lot of other stuff. They fought and mommy hit her." I just don't know what to do with them. I hug them both. "You girls can stay here for the night but we'll have to figure something out tomorrow." I put them to bed. "Hm. Maybe give Kasi time to worry. Maybe it'll knock her into perspective." I mutter, closing the door. I go to bed with a heavy heart and a lot on my mind.

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