Chapter 9-Talks

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Jason's pov

"If you think for one damn second-" "There's nothing I can do. He's still their father." "He's a steroid addict! Steroids cause you go into rages. He could hurt you!" "So what do I do, Jason?" "Kick his ass to the curb!" She sighs. "I can't. My daughters love their father." I turn around to where the girls are. "Sierra doesn't." "Yes she does! She may be afraid of him but she still loves him!" I slap my forehead. "Are you even listening to yourself?! You just casually said your daughter is afraid of him!" His truck pulls into the drive. "Dad's here." Sierra says, grabbing her little sister's arm as she makes a move to the door. God only knows why she still likes that guy after all he's done. He pounds on the door but I stay in front of it and not opening it. "Open it up, Aldean! We've got a score to settle!" I put a finger to my lips and point to the other room. They go in there. I open the door.

Kasi's pov

I hear the door open. I hug my daughters. Jason's right. I know but Miranda loves her daddy. "They aren't here." Jason says surprisingly calm. "And you think I'm gonna believe that?" "Kasi took the girls to the zoo for the day. But you're right Patrick. We do have a score to settle. But I'm not gonna fight. You're gonna listen." What?! I peek out of the room. Patrick looks confused. Jason grabs his shirt and pulls him inside and slams the door, making Sierra jump slightly and bury her face in my side. I bend own and wrap my arms around them. "I promised my father on his deathbed, I'd take care of my family. I would be breaking my promise allowing her and my nieces to go back to an unsafe environment." What the heck? "If you ever want even a slim of a chance of seeing those angels again, you have to kick the steroids, take anger management classes, and get your fucking act together. Otherwise you can forget ever seeing them again. Because I will take your ass to court for attempted murder. I didn't press charges for the girls but to protect them I will." "I love my daughters." Patrick says pissed. "I know you do." Jason says shocking me. "I could tell when you were gentle with Miranda in the hospital. But you aren't able to be gentle like that jacked on roids." How is Jason so calm!? They have a staredown for a few seconds. "I know the real reason why you exed me and my mom out of my sister's life." He says, making nerves build up in me. "It's cause you're one of those guys that wants their girl to wait on 'em hand and foot. The all American Girl. Wanna know how I know?" "How?" Patrick clenches his fists. I know he wants to punch Jason in the face but Jason's got a hand on his pistol. That's probably keeping him from attacking. "Because my sister was independent. She used to be but not anymore. She was never a vegan either. She wanted to have some kind of control over her life since you controlled everything else. So she controlled what she ate. And you weren't home enough to be an influence in the girls' lives. So she chose that too. But now I'm back and you're gonna have less control. In fact you'll have nothing until you do what I said earlier." Wow. He sighs. "You're right." Whoa. Now that's a shock.

Jason's pov

Wow. I didn't expect him to say I was right. I'm a little thrown off my game now. "Wha.... I yeah I'm right." "I know taking steroids is wrong but if I quit now-" "You'll be okay." I say putting a hand on his shoulder. "No I won't." I smile. "Yes you will. Cause I'll help you." "Why would you help me?" "Cause family helps family." He looks shocked. "Those girls look up to you. Ya wanna be a good influence right?" "Of course. I love my daughters. I know it's hard to believe but.... I love Kasi too. It was the roids talking before man." "I know. But that's why you have to kick them. You don't need 'em man. So I'm willing to help you are you willing to change?" He looks terrified. I wave the girls out. His eyes go wide in surprise. "I'll do it. I don't want Sierra to be afraid of me." I smile and rest my hands on my hips. "Then come on. We've got a hell of a lot of work to do."

Opening Up Your WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora