Chapter 2

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I rolled over expecting to find Race sprawled out on his side but to my confusion, he wasn't there. Slowly I climbed my way out and slid a tee shirt on. I made my way to the kitchen and stopped in the door frame.

Race was in the kitchen. He was still dressed in the same pajama pants from last night but had lost the sweatshirt somewhere. I watched as he lightly sang to himself while cooking something on the stove. I could see his phone sitting on the counter next to him.

"What are you cooking?" I asked. I must have scared him because he jumped at the sound of my voice.

"There is toast in the toaster and I have scrambled eggs in the pan right now," Race said moving the pan onto a burner that wasn't hot.

I took two pieces of toast and some of the eggs. I sat at the table and Race joined me. He had a single piece of toast and about three bites of eggs.

"Race," I warned causing him to look at me.

"Spot, I'm not hungry. I ate all the lasagna last night. I'm eating something," he said eating a spoonful of eggs.

"Ok, that's acceptable," I said finishing off my breakfast. I picked up both of our empty plates and set them in the dishwasher. "You planning on doing anything today?"

It was Saturday so Race didn't have to work, he never worked on the weekends. But I did, I worked from noon to nine.

"Romeo said he wanted to do something today, but he wouldn't tell me what," Race said. Romeo was Race's older brother.

Romeo had been a little skeptical of our relationship in the beginning but he understood it now. "Know what time you will be home?" I asked.

"About eight I think," Race said walking back into the bedroom. I followed him. I got myself dressed in a pair of dress pants and button down shirt which I rolled the sleeves up to my elbows. Race got himself dressed in a pair of jeans and one of my football tee shirts.

We headed for the door. I slipped on my dress shoes and Race tied up his pair of converse. "I want you to be asleep by the time I get home," I said giving him a quick kiss before I went out the door. Race walked beside me with our fingers interlaced.

"Have a good day," I said before giving him one more kiss and climbing in the car.

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