Chapter 6

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I was sitting in my office Monday afternoon when my cell phone started to ring. "Spot Conlon speaking, how may I help you?"

"Spot, this is Specs. I don't know you very well but I'm a good friend of Race's and I know you are his husband," Specs said.

"Well, hello Specs and what do I owe this call?" I asked wondering why this guy was calling me.

"There was an accident at the bakery today, Spot and you are needed," as Specs said that I immediately headed for the door.

"What kind of accident?" I questioned stepping out onto the sidewalk heading towards the bakery where Race worked.

"About half an hour ago a fire started and Race is still unaccounted for," Specs said. No, no, no.

By now I was full out running to the bakery. When I rounded the corner the section of the street in front of the bakery was blocked off.

I ran into the commotion and found who I assumed was Specs. "Specs, your Specs right?" I asked quickly looking around for any sign of Race.

"Yes, I'm Specs. You're Spot, correct? Race's husband?" He asked.

"Ya, I'm Spot have you seen Race?" I asked as my phone started to ring.

"Hello, is this Sean Conlon?" The person on the other end asked.

"Yes, this is him. May I ask who this is calling?" I questioned still scanning the crowd for any sign of Race.

"Yes I work at the lower Manhattan Hospital and it appears that your husband had just been admitted to our hospital. We found your contact information on the dog tags we found around his neck," The guy continued.

"Yes, that's correct. I'll be there as soon as I can, thank you for alerting me," I said before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Specs asked still scanning the crowd.

"The hospital where Race is. Thanks for calling me Specs but I gotta head to the hospital and call Race's older brother," I said before running out of the scene to the hospital.

When I got the hospital I when for the front desk Impeitly. "Hello, I'm looking for my husband Anthony Conlon-Higgins," I said impatiently as the lady at the desk begun to type on her computer.

"Fifth floor, room 578," She said before moving to the next person. I quickly walked to the elevator while pulling my phone out to call Romeo.

"Hey Spot what up?" Romeo said cheerfully, in the background I could hear Davey, Crutchie, Jack, and Albert.

"You need to come to the lower Manhattan Hospital, now!" I said watching the numbers tick by on top of the elevator door.

"Why?" Romeo asked.

"For the sake of your brother's life. There was a fire at the bakery today," I said stepping off the elevator and started walking the halls looking for number 578.

"Oh god! Ya, I'll be there and I'll bring the others your hearing in the background as well," Romeo said as I found Race's room. I pushed the door open causing Race to look at me as a smile slid onto his slender face.

"Ya, I just found his room and now he is grinning at me like a complete idiot," I said pulling a chair to the left side of Race's bed.

"Who are you talking to?" Race asked with his voice a little hoarse, probably because of the smoke from the fire.

"Romeo," I said before Race had stolen the phone and turned it on speaker.

"Hi, Romeo!" Race yelled before breaking into a coughing fit.

"Why the hell did you set the Bakery on fire, Race?" Romeo said over the phone.

"I didn't do it," Race said finally being able to talk again.

"Ok, I'm heading to the hospital and bring your friends with. Well be there in about ten minutes, don't burn down the hospital. Spot, what room and floor?" Romeo asked as they heard a door close in the background, telling them that Romeo had just left his apartment.

"Fifth floor, room 578," I answered before grabbing my phone away from Race, making him lean back on the bed pouting. "See you guys in a bit." I slide my phone into my pocket.

I stood up and leaned over to kiss Race. Once I sat back down I noticed that Race was wearing a hospital gown only. I pulled out my phone again texting Romeo, 'Stop at our apartment and grab Race a pair of sweatpants, a tee shirt, sweatshirt, and some shoes, please.'

'Yep can do.' Romeo texted back.

"Your brother is gonna stop at our apartment and grab you a set of clothes because I'm pretty sure we can't salvage what is left of yours," I said.

"Hopefully he brings sweatpants and not jeans," Race said while connecting our hands.

"Why's that?" I asked running my hands over the multiple bandages on Race's arms covering places where he got hurt escaping the fire.

Race disconnected his left hand from mine leaning forward to remove the blanket that was laying on his lap to reveal a full red plaster cast on his left foot until just under his knee.

"Anth, what happened?" I question running my hand over the rigid plastic.

"I tripped over something trying to get out and broke my tibia and fibula," Races explained pulling the blanket back over his foot.

"Does it hurt any?" I asked.

"Why do ya think they got a needle poked in my arm?" Race laughed holding up his right arm, which indeed did have an IV stuck in it. "Can I have your tie?" Race asked pointing at my work tie that was still around my neck.

"Ya, I guess," I mumbled while untying it from my neck and undoing the top button of my shirt before handing to Race. I laughed as he tied it around his blonde curly head like some idiot college kid.

"I'm tired," Race muttered laying down again.

"Then go to sleep," I said as Race rolled over onto the left side of his body smirking at me, "What?"

"Come sleep with me," Race laughed patting the open half of his hospital bed.

"You're a child," I laughed standing up slipping my shoes off before climbing onto the bed.

"Ya, but you married me," Race joked while sliding his body against mine, ducking his head into my chest.

"That I did," I confined while wrapping my arms around Race's slender waist being cautions of the IV in his arm.

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