Chapter 4

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Thank goodness for Sundays. The only day of the week where neither Race nor I had to work. I climbed out of bed and headed for the kitchen starting the coffee pot. My phone beeped on the counter where it was plugged in beside Race's.

I unlocked to see there was a text from our friend Jack. He was texting me asking if he and some of our friends could come over to hang out today. I told him yes and to be here in about half an hour.

I made my ways towards the bedroom with my warm cup of coffee in my hands. "Race it's time to get up. Jack is coming over with some of the boys in a little bit," I said leaning against the door frame.

"How long?" He asked not making any move to be getting up in the near time.

"In half an hour," I replied between sips of my coffee.

"Wake me up in twenty minutes," Race mumbled. I walked out of the room laughing. I watched the weather while watching the small clock in the corner of the screen. When the twenty minutes were up I made my way back to the bedroom.

"Your twenty minutes is up Race. It's time to get up," I said as he rolled over to glare at me. "Up, Race."

I watched as he rolled his eyes and buried his head back into his pillow. "Nope," I said quickly crossing the room. I bent down and pulled off the blankets and lifted Race over my shoulder and carried him into the living room sitting him on the couch. I went to the kitchen and brought him a cup of coffee before grabbing him a shirt out of our room tossing it at him.

"Put that on Jack will be here soon and we don't want you running around half-naked with guests present," I laughed sitting in an armchair that was beside the couch.

Race mumbled something incoherent to himself. "I can't understand you when you mumbled, babe," I said as there was a knock on the front door. I went towards the door as Race scrabbled to get his shirt on and follow me.

"Racer, I missed you so much," Albert yelled running into the apartment and hugging Race.

Race looked at Jack who was standing in the doorway nervously. "Al, how about you let Race go and we can all go sit in the living room," Jack suggested. Albert almost immediately let go if my husband and ran to the living room.

"Thanks, Jack," Race said attending to catch his breath.

"No problem Race. Spot if you didn't marry Race I'm almost certain Albert would," Jack laughed before walking to the living room as Crutchie and Davey followed him.

"I couldn't handle being married to him," Race laughed before walking towards the living room.

"And I couldn't handle not being married to you," I laughed sitting down on the couch beside Race.

"You two are such saps," Crutchie commented from the floor where he was sat between Jack's legs.

"And you're not?" Race fired.

"Those two are. I'm just the third wheel," Davey laughed sitting down beside Crutchie.

Crutchie leaned over and kissed Davey on the cheek as Jack kissed his forehead. "You are not a third wheel David Allen," Jack said sternly.

"I sense trouble in paradise," Albert laughed from the back of the couch behind me.

"No, what you sense is my fist colliding with your face," Crutchie retorted.

"Crutch, let's be serious you don't have a violent bone in your body," I laughed.

"Well then you haven't seen the bruises on Jack's hips," Davey said trying to not burst out laughing.

"Oh my poor Christian ears," Race yelled ducking his head into my shoulder.

"Wait Race is Christian?" Albert asked.

"No, he's not he's just being overdramatic," I laughed.

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