Chapter 5

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"Where are we going?" I asked as Race led me down the sidewalk. Albert, Jack, Crutchie and Davey had left a little after noon and Race had decided that we were going on a walk. And this is how I ended up walking with the love of my life down the sidewalk in the middle of Manhattan with no idea where we were going.

"It's a surprise," Race laughed as we walked in to Central Park. We walked to a tree that had a wild flowers growing around it. I laughed as we sat by the flowers. Leaning back into the grass I watched the clouds slip by over head.

"Spot," Race called causing my gaze to switch to him.

"Ya babe," I said sitting up peering over at him. Race let out a small laugh while placing a crown of flowers on my head. I leaned over a placed a kiss on his cheek. "Racer if this was the 60's you would totally be a hippie."

"I'd be your hippie," Race laughed.

"Ya, you would be," I laughed grabbing his necklace, pulling him to me and kissing him. I laughed when he laid back down in the grass but I watched as he went to itch the rash that was appearing on his wrist. It was one of the main reasons we lived in the city, Race was allergic to multiple kinds of grass and plants. "Anth, ready to head home?" I asked.

"Ya, if I stay here any longer it's gonna be us in the hospital tonight," he said standing up.

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