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Joanna expects a maid or servant of some kind, if not one of Mr. Jamison's own men to bring her her food, not Mr. Jamison himself.

After knocking he opens the door and sets the tray next to the bed before helping Joanna sit up. After helping her he sets the tray on her lap so that she can easily eat.

Joanna takes an experimental taste of the frozen drink in front of her. She's a bit nervous since she's stayed strictly away from anything to do with drugs or alcohol. Even more nervous because Mr. Jamison is watching her alertly.

"Is it to your liking?" Michael asks gently after her first sip.

"Sweet with a bit of tart, it's perfect. Thank you." Joanna replies but refuses to look at Michael feeling too embarrassed about things.

"Miss Greene, I would like to talk to you about your stay here. I see that I make you nervous right now so I'll leave you in peace. I have a maid assigned to you that will be in to take the tray when you are finished. She'll let me know and then we'll have our talk."

"Thank you sir," Joanna breathes easier and is glad that the sharp eyed man is allowing her time to eat in peace. Her hunger over comes her other emotions and she tackles the large meal in front of her with gusto. But not even her huge appetite was able to polish off all the food.

There still remain about a third of the food when Joanna admits defeat and sets down her silverware. Not long after that there is a knock on the door and a silent lady enters the room. Joanna expects to see someone wearing the traditional black dress with white apron, but sees instead a young woman dressed in jeans and a tee shirt. Joanna wonders if maybe she's not a maid after all.

"Who are you?" Joanna asks. She doesn't feel any emotions from the girl at all and that alone shocks her.

"My name is Patricia, I've been assigned to help you while you stay here," the girl answers.

Joanna is shocked, the girl doesn't look like a maid. Hell, she could be a model from her looks and stance. 

"Oh, I don't know...I've never had someone assigned to help me before." Joanna doesn't like not knowing how to act. It makes her stomach twist a bit and she hopes that it settles down or she's going to lose the food that she just ate. That would indeed be a shame.

Patricia smiles and Joanna relaxes, "No sweat. Just let me know what you need and I'll help you. You don't need to worry about me getting in the way."

"I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about me. I'm done eating, Mr. Jamison said that he wanted to talk to me when I finished, could you let him know?" Joanna asks diffidently. She feels comfortable with Patricia, but she doesn't want to come off as stuck up.

Patricia smiles and nods. She picks up the tray and frowns. "Was the food not to your liking?"

"It was perfect, my stomach is smaller than my eyes unfortunately. Will you thank the cook for me? It was fixed perfectly," Joanna says shyly.

"Will do, she'll be happy to hear it. Most of those she cooks for don't say anything. It's always nice to be told that you are doing a good job." Patricia says with a small smile and takes the tray out with her.

Michael stares at Joanna as he enters after she told him to enter. "Patricia said that you didn't finish your food. Was it not to your liking?" He seems calm but Joanna can tell that he's anxious for her answer.

"It was perfect like I told Patricia. It's just a bigger serving than I could handle." Joanna takes in his suddenly relaxed feeling at her words and is more confused than before. Why would he worry about something like her liking the food?

Michael relaxes and even smiles a bit. "My cook is used to serving men that have large appetites. I'll talk to her and have her reduce the amount of food on your plate for next time."

"Thank you, I don't wish to be a bother to any one nor do I wish to offend.

"Why am I here Mr. Jamison?" Joanna asks bluntly. "I'm a loose end, it would have been better to let me die at the hospital."

"Easier doesn't make it right. The anger I felt towards you was misplaced because of the betrayal I felt from my brother. But you already knew that. You're here because of the debt I owe you. You will remain here until you are healthy enough to return to work. By that I include the plastic surgery to repair the physical damage my brother's attack caused, you will need to be fully healed from all injuries and surgeries. I don't care if it takes months."

"But my job won't be held that long. It wouldn't be fair to the other waitresses." Joanna knows that Jamison is her boss, she's not completely stupid.

"I'm closing the strip club. The staff will either find other jobs or move to my other clubs to work." Joanna stares at him dumbfounded. "I want you to be in charge of the wait staff of a new club I'll be opening in a few months. By then you should be fully healed. It's couple oriented, dinner and dancing, the forties style. I think you'll like it far better than my other clubs."

Joanna stares at him not entirely sure what to say or even think at this point. "Why?" Is what she finally settles on. She really needs to know what is going on right now. She's very confused.

Michael stiffens and becomes cautious, "Why what?" He doesn't want to mistake her question.

"All of it. Why are you closing your club, why do you want me to be in charge of the wait staff of your new club and why are you doing this for me?" Joanna asks lost.

"To begin with because of the debt I owe you. Then there is the leadership you showed in taking care of the other waitresses at the strip club. Their trauma was significantly reduced due to your efforts. You have a kind heart yet I believe you can be strong when you wish to be. But there is a catch to the offer." Michael says hiding his smirk.

"What's the catch," Joanna says warily.

"You call me by my name, Michael, no more Mr. Jamison." Now his smirk is full blown.

Joanna is shaking her head, "I can't do that Mr. Jamison. We are barely acquaintances, you are or at least were my boss and you are of a higher social level than me. That all points to it being wrong for me to call you by your name."

"Oh, but Miss Greene, it is acceptable since I have requested it of you. Please, I have more than enough people to call me Mr. Jamison. I'm tired of the high social whores calling me by name when good people of lower social standing don't. I'd rather you call me by name, and as your boss I'm ordering you to do so." Michael smirks at her closed off expression. He's hiding his emotions fairly good, but she can still sense that there's more to his request than he's willing to say.

"I don't feel comfortable calling you by name sir. I guess I'll just have to pass on the job." She's not too sad about that really. 

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