👻who are you?❄

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~~before Phantom planet and rise of the guardians~~

*Danny's pov*

Well I am bored
So bored that I startend fly only like 10 feet past Walkers prison and also diractly to skulker
What happend that I am so bored risking my life you asked you See we have holidays and no one is here sam is with her family somwere in Europa and tucker is in Paris visiting his Cousin Nino mom and dad are gonne for the week  to some ghost hunter meeting  Jazz is Spending the nicht with friends and appearently the New plan to destroy the City was by Boring me to death (😂) so I thought lets remind some people that don't like me that I exisit 'I am about to regret it but who cares'
*'At skulkers island'*

And nothing
OK lets wait for something
15 mins later
Nothing OK thayre plan works no attacks today ugh why I don't know what I could still do I am not even sleepy (if thats a word)
I fly out of the ghost zone and out of my house to check on the City
I was close to the nasty burger standing or beter said flying in mid air "why is today so borring!?", I shout just as behind me opened a bright blue Portal with snowflakes inside it
Before I even knew what was happening I was pulled inside the Portal the last I saw was the time 5:25pm .
I Fall for what felt like hours till I Finaly ended  on the other side Landing directly on some white haired guy in a blue hoodie
He jelped and the snow around US that I didn't notice till now for a second stoped till it continiued.
"Sorry need a Hand?" I ASK while getting of of him
  "What!?'' the boy asks supprised and cind of shocked
" I asked if you need a Hand "
He took it and pulled himself up with a weard Staff thing
"You okey?"I ask 'I hope I didn't hurt him to Mutch
" yea,yea I am ... Great 😀"he said grinning
"So who are you didn't See you around till now" he asked leaning on bis staff
"Oh sorry I am Danny Phantom and it doesn't supprise me that we haven't met yet I cinda  ,sorta crashlanded here thanks to my boredom😅" I answered scratching the back of my neck a little nervous
"Well no ciding with the landing "
"Yea sorry about that you OK ?erm... Whats your Name?"
"Yes I am fine and I am Frost,Jack Frost"
"Someones watched to manny James bond  movies😎😏"
"You bet  I saw every in ecistance 😅"
"So whats with the white hair?"
"Says the right Person whity"Jack conters
" really"
"Yes  whity"
"Don't call me that"
"Yes  of corse ... Whity"
"Well anyways have any idea what we could do "
"How about a snowball fight?"
"Oh you are so on!" I yelled taking the snow from the ground in my hands  forming it to a ball and trowing it direktly at Jacks face he semed supprised by that a little to supprised
If you ASK me
"Whats wrong?"
"Nothing its just I have to get jused to some one seeing me and able to hit me "
"What do you mean?"
"Well no one could ever See me eccept from some animals "
"Ohu well sorry about that "
"Doesn't mater a little company doesn't hurt 😁"" he said while a sekond later a snowball Landes in my face
"Oh you are so on!!!"
We trew some balls at each other when I noticed Jack jusing some powers 'well then there isn't a rule saying I can't Jude mine too'
I formed a wall between me and Jack right AS he d to trow a ball it Landed on the icewall
"Hey no fair!"
"Says who you are using your powers too!"
"Well in that case"😈
He formed another wall and it litterly rained  snowballs above me
I made a roof  of ice and it went on more  or less fairly
*4hours later*
We Were exhausted and full of snow but that didn't bother neather of US me since of my icecore and Jack ... He is the winter in Person

After we recowered a little
" so what are we gonna do now?" Jack asked with a smile
"Well I am a little hungry how about you pizza ?"
"Well yea why not you got any money?"
"Let me see I got 20 should be enoth for two pizzas wich one do you want?
" well I didn't eat pizza very mutch  only like two times in my life so just get me the same like you are going to eat(man I am hungry ...again)"
He said leaving me shocked for a moment
"You really missed a lot"
"I know😞"
"Okey so where is the next pizza plase ?"
"Should be a few streets furted AMD then right I'll just show you can you fly?"
"Who would I be if I couldn't "
*time scip because I am lazzy **Danny transformed human bought pizza they went back to Jacks poud the talked about theire pasts while rating and they were the Rest of the day together *
*2days later still danys pov*
'Okey Jazz should be now at home and realy worryed for me I should probably find a way back home '
I know this isn't even the same earth/demention because one here are no ghosts 2noone could see me well atleast in ghost form 3 amity park isn't a City here but a Park like a Park Park
I saw the full moon shining Dow at me and Jack that was playing with a Sand Dolphin from the sandman I smiled because I like it here and jack and I hablve a lot in comon and are now best friwnds but I know I have to go home
I turned to the moon and startend talking
"I whish I knew a way how to be able to See Jack bit also go home "
Jack came back seeing me  sad "whats wrong?"
"I am gonna have to go home but I don't want to leave you it's like we where twins or something "
And thats the truth despide out messy hair styles costumes and eyes we are the same Person
"Aww you are so cute whity "
"Do you have to call me that?",
" yes"

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